I will never understand why the FOIA e-mails regarding involving Rita Colwell, Daszak and others have not become a topic of national conversation. I’m specifically referring to the ones sent on 4/28 and 4/29 2018.
I am currently reading your latest but had to pause for a bit to ask a question. With your recent work with Glenn Beck, I am curious if you are aware of the work being done by Matt Ridley? I just finished watching Glenn's interview with him he mentions your work with D.R.A.S.T.I.C. But what caught my interest eas his mention of the number sequence 7896, apparently part of a genome sequence from a related virus within this coronavirus. I would like to know your thoughts if you have any.
A) Because it's all they had in progress for CoV's when the pandemic began
B) It offered a unique opportunity to test an exciting new technology with an accelerated timeline, unlimited funding and the potential to validate his career and be celebrated as a hero
C) It allowed him to have both A & B with virtually no down side because he could utilize the emergency statutes to waive liability for pharma companies, push through whatever vaccines/treatments he wanted with EUA's [which were granted immunity from judicial review of the decision-making process], and construct the data collection efforts so that any adverse effects could be smothered
D) It meant giving a huge 'win' for his NIAID, which has doled out more than $50B under his control but habitually failed to produce pharmaceuticals of value.
E) It also likely led to $ for him, via kickbacks from pharma companies
F) If that research DID cause the pandemic, he'd at least try to argue that it also created the solution.
Which is idiotic, of course.
I could go on for a while, but suffice it to say that Fauci wanted to protect himself.
It's not the vax failure itself that I find utterly reprehensible, because at the end of the day they were better than nothing. What's horrific is that instead of telling the truth, he encouraged censorship, scapegoating and the destruction of our freedoms - all while ignoring actual science and turning hospitals into hospices for palliative care.
And, unfortunately, the Democrats in Congress know that admitting any of these truths will simply make the 2022 funeral pyre even larger, and so for the sake of salvaging a few Senate/House seats [to reduce the depth of the pit they have to climb back out of in 2023], they seem to have decided to simply hold on as long as they can and hope some totalitarian measures and endless censorship can dupe the herd.
I will never understand why the FOIA e-mails regarding involving Rita Colwell, Daszak and others have not become a topic of national conversation. I’m specifically referring to the ones sent on 4/28 and 4/29 2018.
Funny, I thought I was a paying subscriber, sorry, I just corrected that as well as (once again) shared this on FB. All the best from Germany, where as of tomorrow as one that is not vaccinated, I will have to do a daily test to continue working. Here is a Substack from Germany...also worth a subscription. https://eugyppius.substack.com/p/the-hammer-and-the-dance-a-retrospective?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0MzAxNDkwOSwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDM0MzI1MjAsIl8iOiJhWVRwNyIsImlhdCI6MTYzNzY5Mjg0NiwiZXhwIjoxNjM3Njk2NDQ2LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMjY4NjIxIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.T_AYR6NV_kZYQgGCmeGV6RcORRmxOsFl__bMy5lA7hs
I am currently reading your latest but had to pause for a bit to ask a question. With your recent work with Glenn Beck, I am curious if you are aware of the work being done by Matt Ridley? I just finished watching Glenn's interview with him he mentions your work with D.R.A.S.T.I.C. But what caught my interest eas his mention of the number sequence 7896, apparently part of a genome sequence from a related virus within this coronavirus. I would like to know your thoughts if you have any.
Thanks in advance!
The 7896 clade Ridley describes is one of DRASTIC's findings, and an ongoing research focus for us: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/350515493_2_INVESTIGATION_OF_RaTG13_AND_THE_7896_CLADE
Francisco de Asis [de Ribera] is a member of DRASTIC, and is the original discoverer of that clade.
why would Fauci promote the release of vaxxes that he and others knew would fail.
A) Because it's all they had in progress for CoV's when the pandemic began
B) It offered a unique opportunity to test an exciting new technology with an accelerated timeline, unlimited funding and the potential to validate his career and be celebrated as a hero
C) It allowed him to have both A & B with virtually no down side because he could utilize the emergency statutes to waive liability for pharma companies, push through whatever vaccines/treatments he wanted with EUA's [which were granted immunity from judicial review of the decision-making process], and construct the data collection efforts so that any adverse effects could be smothered
D) It meant giving a huge 'win' for his NIAID, which has doled out more than $50B under his control but habitually failed to produce pharmaceuticals of value.
E) It also likely led to $ for him, via kickbacks from pharma companies
F) If that research DID cause the pandemic, he'd at least try to argue that it also created the solution.
Which is idiotic, of course.
I could go on for a while, but suffice it to say that Fauci wanted to protect himself.
It's not the vax failure itself that I find utterly reprehensible, because at the end of the day they were better than nothing. What's horrific is that instead of telling the truth, he encouraged censorship, scapegoating and the destruction of our freedoms - all while ignoring actual science and turning hospitals into hospices for palliative care.
And, unfortunately, the Democrats in Congress know that admitting any of these truths will simply make the 2022 funeral pyre even larger, and so for the sake of salvaging a few Senate/House seats [to reduce the depth of the pit they have to climb back out of in 2023], they seem to have decided to simply hold on as long as they can and hope some totalitarian measures and endless censorship can dupe the herd.