Prometheus Shrugged: A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Fallacy
The Big Picture view of Science's Faucian Bargain, for context
I’ll never mandate paid subscription*
Note: **The Prometheus Hub page/post** compiles most of the research and resources [1,500+] I’ve used/found/analyzed/watched/etc. during [and prior to] my efforts with DRASTIC, so that those who are looking for more about COVID’s origins can find it in one place.
*..but I won’t turn down donations via subscription.* Every donation means another spike protein of justice, riding a lipid nanoparticle across the blood-brain barrier of the bureaucracy.
[*in my fight against the mortgage mandate]

My full Prometheus & Pandora series
In a sort of continuation of the mild reset/re-introduction for newer subscribers in Why is Prometheus Shrugging? [95.4% of my readers having joined up since 7/29], I wanted to put together a primer for my blog’s longest-running expose, which centers on the coordination between a small number of scientists [including Dr. Fauci] to control the scientific narrative of a natural origin for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
-[I’ve listed out each article in the series, along with a brief description of each, in the latter half of this article]
I never wanted or expected to focus my time and attention towards a polarizing figure like Dr. Fauci; my main interest back in February was researching the origin of COVID-19 within the context of the outbreak in Wuhan. I had little confidence that wading into the vaccine debate from any angle was going to be useful; unfortunately, my brief foray into some FOIA documents from UNC ‘s lead virologist Ralph Baric lead to the discovery of some very important details that others had missed. In order to raise awareness about those findings, I had to shift most of my research efforts as well, because I wanted to make sure that I had command of any related topics so that the credibility of my assertions would have more weight.
[for an outsider’s take on my work, here’s Dr. J. Mercola’s commentary from August]
Many readers might be wondering:
A) Why I’d be thinking about the credibility of my assertions
B) Why this would be relevant to my Faucian journey?
C) What, exactly, I found that I felt was so important?
and perhaps even
D) Why do I hate Fauci so much?
Those are perfectly logical questions to ask yourself, even if my listing of them here was partially meant to be tongue-in-cheek. I’ll answer them in turn:
A) Most of what people say on the Internet seems to said without even the slightest hint of conscious thought, much less considering what they say within the context of how credible others will perceive their actions
1st and foremost, my concern was a reflection of how seriously I took the implications of what I’d found [discussed in [C] below].
2nd, I had very little credibility, because the small number of people who were aware of my COVID analyses on LinkedIn & Facebook were also the only people who knew that I existed. Prior to the pandemic, it had only been 18 months since I’d left active duty [Marine], and during that period I was working on my MBA [and working an average of 52 hours a week as the manager of a shoe store - my disability pay gave me a decent cushion, and I’d worked in retail management during my first 3 years in college, prior to enlisting in 2004].
3rd, I had 2 followers on Twitter in February 2021, and hadn’t yet posted anything on Substack.
B) Researching Fauci and the collusion amongst scientists wasn’t very high on my priority list; in fact, I’d mostly set my COVID-data work aside so that I could focus on finishing my last requirements for my MBA, which had been paused 2.5 months before graduation when I got sick, and then the world shut down before I recovered.
In early February, I sat down to read an article about FOIA documents purporting to show a group of scientists conspiring to create a false narrative in support of the natural-origin hypothesis for the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. I did find those documents, but I kept reading through the files and wound up finding something I wasn’t looking for. I got excited once I realized that nobody had ever reported finding what I’d found, but my enthusiasm was dampened when I finished reading that 332 page collection of emails and discovered that the other 11 volumes were 83,000 pages in total.
It was the combination of continuing to find more evidence as I kept digging - and my realization that no one else was likely to go page-by-page through it - that led me to pause and reconsider my priorities. Concurrently, I’d gone onto Twitter in order to find out if there were updates on some COVID-origin topics, direct from some of the scientists whose research I’d been following.
Thus, in mid-February, I made the decision to withdraw from my last classes, because I knew that with the impending release of the WHO Report, the window of opportunity to prevent the total whitewashing of the lab leak theory was closing quickly. It wasn’t a decision taken lightly - my unemployment benefits were about to end, and I still owe $9K to SMU because I withdrew after the deadline for tuition to be refunded [I’d been awarded a full scholarship when accepted in 2018].
I didn’t know that I’d become a member of DRASTIC, publish accounts and compile data that have helped uncover the conspiracy to hide the origin of the worst tragedy since the Second World War, and as of today still fighting the same fight on behalf of 5 million victims and those they left behind. All I know is that our job isn’t finished yet, and I refuse to quit doing this until I know that someone else will pick it up if I stop to rest. The fact that I, and the rest of DRASTIC, are still burning the midnight oil should clarify for my readers where the origin investigation currently stands.
C) What have I found? Most of my work has centered on two primary topics: Fauci’s censorship of science and China’s manipulation of data from the Wuhan outbreak, meant to draw attention away from the possibility of a lab origin for COVID-19. Here’s a list of what I’ve found so far:
a) I was the 1st person to point out the fact that Fauci was present at a meeting called by the OSTP Director, Kelvin Droegemeier to combat ‘misinformation,’ which was held on 2/3/20 - the day before Daszak and Andersen et al began colluding on their letter to that same OSTP director.
b) I was the 1st to argue that Fauci had been directly involved in covering-up unseemly connections between the NIH/NIAID & EHA & the WIV; despite my best efforts, this censorship remained unnoticed by the media until after the 5/31 drop of Fauci’s emails by Buzzfeed and the Washington Post, whom didn’t even address the stunning revelations related to the 2/1 conference call with Andersen and Jeremy Farrar et al.
c) I was the 1st [and only] person to attempt to quantify the impact of that censorship upon scientific research to uncover the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
d) I explicitly showed how the world’s top 6 academic journals had only published 1 side of the origin debate until May, 2021:
e) I was the 1st person to argue that Fauci & Droegemeier had conspired to hide the NIH’s research connections to the WIV, even from the President himself; Sharri Markson later confirmed this during her blockbuster documentary, in a conversation with Trump.
f) Someday, I’ll expound upon my work with Wuhan Epidemiology, PREEMPT and some other projects, but not today. My primary reason for laying out an explicit chronology and list of my misadventures is to ensure that the truth isn’t buried.
D) I don’t hate Dr. Fauci, and certainly didn’t focus on him at first. However, each new discovery within my research - and each new decision that he’s made while leading our pandemic response - have made clear to me that he betrayed the public’s trust that even now is foisted upon him. I don’t say that lightly - but I do say it unequivocally.

The full Prometheus & Pandora cycle [as of 11/21/21]
The Fauci censorship series makes up less than half of my blog articles here on Prometheus Shrugged, and I look forward to a time when I can put more energy into illuminating other aspects of this dumpster fire; nevertheless, the saga has served as the backdrop and driving force of the growth of my audience here, so its seems fitting to highlight the interplay between that growth and the narrative it followed.
Thus, each article’s title is followed by two numbers; the 1st is the number of email subscribers it was sent out to [total free + donating members] and 2nd, the number of followers I had at that point on Twitter. It’s been a wild ride, and [more than anything] I credit my readers for helping this effort grow so much so quickly.
2/26/20 - I - Trust the Scientists, Not the Science? - 5 subs / 40 followers
In the original article, I wrote about my discovery that Dr. Fauci was directly involved in the censorship of scientific research into COVID's origin. It didn't get better for him from there.
It began with finding a detail that everyone else had missed, & led to a project which ended up taking up a lot of my time - but it also gave us evidence that from the very beginning of the pandemic [6 weeks before it was officially a pandemic], the same person that Donald Trump appointed to direct America’s COVID-19 response was also leading an effort to whitewash his own agency’s ties to the lab that may have created it.
3/4 - II - The West must not go gently into a COVID-19 goodnight - 15 / 70
In part 2, I compared the current pandemic to the original SARS outbreak from 2002-2003, within the context of China’s response then and now. I analyzed what that could tell us about the origin of the virus, and considered the implications of discovering that SARS-CoV-2 did come from a lab in Wuhan; this is a seminal moment in modern history, and avoiding the truth of the pandemic makes it far more likely for something worse to come in the future.
4/8 - III - The Apocryphal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 - 20 / 247
In part 3, I went beyond the cover-up to highlight what it was that the “Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” authors were trying to obscure. In short, the goal was to pretend that they hadn’t been conducting the exact experiments necessary to build a virus that looks like the one that’s killed 5 million people. I even added a video clip in which Ralph Baric laughs at the suggestion that someone would seek to use humanized mouse models to increase the pathogenicity of SARS-like CoV’s - only months before he performed that exact set of experiments.
5/10 - IV - Edifice Wrecks - 27 / 502
In part 4, I analyzed the incredible effort expended by scientists to fight COVID-19, followed by the bad news - that none of the accumulated goodwill is going to save science from the backlash that will ensue if the public at large one day discovers that many of those same scientists played a role in experiments that helped create the virus.
Everything that’s happened since this article was released has simply been more fuel for the fire; our current vaccine mandates have simply been one giant slap in the face of informed consent [the explanation for this was the subject of part 9]. The obliteration of trust in our scientific institutions is going to take decades for them to overcome - and the world doesn’t have decades to waste before the technological revolution accelerates even further.
6/5 - V - Prometheus Shrugged - 47 / 848
Originally, I’d wanted to put together a summary of what had been covered thus far, but ultimately that was going to have to wait until part 6. The Fauci FOIA emails were released on 5/31, as I was putting this article together, and I quickly shifted gears and focus. I spent the evening and the entire night going through all 3200+ pages, then tweeted out some key selections from the pile, all before crashing the next evening. I finally finished putting a quick article together, before turning to the project that I’d been slowly working on since February:
Prometheus Shrugged: Censorship and the Legacy of COVID-19
My goal had been to make those 86k pages of FOIA documents [with the new Fauci ones] more accessible to the general public; ultimately, those 83k pages were condensed down to 173. I took more than 900 screenshots during the spring (so that they could be put in chronological order), and then rushed to fit 75 pages from the Fauci 3,200-over 10 more days to the other 100 pulled from 5 other FOIA collections. Screenshot, cut/paste, put in chrono order, repeat. I also added data from my censorship analysis.
In other words, it's an all-in-one starter kit for anyone who thinks our public health officials deserve to be deified.
At least it has more reads than my thesis, lol.
*Another sidenote: I haven’t discussed any of my non-Fauci related findings here, but this 6/27 tweet thread [with 450k impressions & 22k engagements], which highlighted an interesting anomaly from my Wuhan outbreak research, had more views than all of my previous articles combined. Thankfully, my next article tipped the scales, lol.
Although, this tweet was amongst my favorites.

7/22 - VI - Who Watches the Watchmen? - 132 / 1,735
I decided to lay out the big picture, and go point-by-point through all of the key cover-up moments, followed by a list of questions for Congress to ask Fauci. Sometimes, things really are worth the wait.
I woke up to discover that Zero Hedge had posted my article, & a little later The Blaze did too. 250k reads was definitely more than my thesis.
8/16 - VII - Ignoble Lies & Inconvenient Truths - 699 - 1,988
Next, I laid out the evidence against the top academic journals in the world (top 6 of all 25k). I woke up to discover that my SubStack traffic was 3x higher than the last one. It helps to have @mercola write about your research. Who knew? Here, i go journal-by-journal through the top 6, to show the 36:1 ratio as proof of their bias on the origin question.
8/27 - VIII - The Disingenuous Dozen - 846 / 2,100
In honor of the media's ‘disinformation dozen’ about COVID, I went through 12 examples of scientists who lied in published papers while believing the opposite in their emails. How did you know Fauci was on the list?
10/6 - IX - PREEMPTive Spike - 880 / 3,084
After a PREEMPT pause, I moved straight to using it to show the lie behind the mandates. In short, I point out that DRASTIC'S PREEMPT release is more than just evidence of further gain of function work - it shows that Fauci et al knew our mRNA vaccines would fail via viral escape - and have mandated them anyway right as the process begins.
Not because I wanted to. Because Americans deserved the truth.
Unfortunately for Dr. Fauci/NIAID/NIH/VRC/EHA/Baric/Hassell/Hotez/Intel Comm/etc, COVID-19 funerals have a way of motivating me to keep bitterly clinging onto the search for truth. I refuse to quit, as long as a thousand Americans keep dying every day for someone else's sins.
-I’ve endeavored to make as much of my research publicly and freely available as possible; to that end, I’ve maintained an ever-growing list of reference sources on ResearchGate that now includes nearly 1,000 links to scholarly articles, relevant news stories and impactful commentaries on the topic - from all sides of the debate.
I will never understand why the FOIA e-mails regarding involving Rita Colwell, Daszak and others have not become a topic of national conversation. I’m specifically referring to the ones sent on 4/28 and 4/29 2018.
why would Fauci promote the release of vaxxes that he and others knew would fail.