I think you meant to say:

"The other wing drops...."

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And a few halos?

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I read a few articles concerning this new study / discovery and my first thought was back to all of the work that D.R.A.S.T.I.C. and you yourself have done to advance this investigation. I was intending to elicit your thoughts concerning this new "revelation" but it looks as if you intended the same.

So....I will wait!

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Reminded me of this finding in Feb 2020 (which was soon pulled...censorship just beginning)


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I'm wondering when the rest of the world is going to publicly get upset w US for the devastation we've unleashed.

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I know!

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Anyone want a bowl of bat soup?

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As a layman I'm increasingly confused about what I read particularly that there has in fact never ever been any virus isolated (Dr Tom Cowan and others). The CDC admitted in December 2021 that they have no virus as a basis for comparison in the PCR test. And yet they conspired to make the extraordinary claim that cases of atypical pneumonia were caused by a novel virus that they have never seen, nor been able to characterise. He states “ they have not sequenced anything. Dr David Rasnick's extensive investigations states that " ......they have computer-assembled something,
and agreed upon a sequence using a technique called metatranscriptomics. This uses an expensive piece of technological equipment, which acts like a massive dragnet to vacuum up all the strands of RNA from this one sample source, and then stitches all the little fragments of genetic material together, so they come up with an ‘in silico’ sequence. It is a computer-generated, theoretical genome sequence of a theoretical virus, which they then declare to be the cause of the subject’s symptoms. That is not science. It is technology passing itself off as science “. Is that about it ? PS Huge thanks once again for your selfless efforts in helping bring to light the machinations of Fauci et al over recent years.

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Charles, I’m reading “2021 Rosa SARS-CoV-2 Can Recruit a Heme Metabolite to Evade Antibody Immunity,“ which shows binding of biliverdin and to a lesser extend bilirubin into a deep cleft of the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the S1 subunit of the SARS2 (and SARS) spike proteins. These heme metabolites regulate reactive species (ROS/RNS) production in the mitochondria and induced nitric oxide iNOS in the endothelial cells of the vasculature. This sounds pretty important to me especially since 18 g of Spirulina a day provides 100 mg of phycocyanobilin a day which is a mimetic of the various activities of the bilirubin and biliverdin (such as inhibiting NADPH oxidase (NOX)).

All of the gated structural changes described in the paper above makes me contemplate where the NTD came from. Is it original to COVID spike proteins? Was a portion of the NTD which accounts for the bilirubin binding and the gating brought in from another protein? If you have access to sequence software (or a colleague), would you be interested to see if the bilirubin binding portion of the NTD might have be added to spike for SARS and SARS2? If also in SARS (1), but not in other corona spike proteins, that would be interesting, too, regarding the origin of SARS1.

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To clarify, the Spirulina might be useful in treating virus or shot injuries and there are several papers on this topic including from Mark F. McCarty (RIP) who suggested Spirulina and other nutraceuticals in the Spring of 2020 in an MDPI (journal) article.

See: https://www.elsevier.com/about/press-releases/research-and-journals/recent-research-points-the-way-toward-a-practical-nutraceutical-strategy-for-coping-with-rna-virus-infections-including-influenza-and-coronavirus

Which is a commentary on one of Mark’s articles and search for his additional articles on nutraceutical remedies for the virus and early papers on heme, metabolites, and enzymes of the mitochondria and the endothelium.

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