Dec 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

The interview with KimDotCom was excellent!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Armed & Danger!!!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Thank you 🙏🏼 for your hard work and sacrifices. You are a formidable speck of dust, Mr. Rixey!

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Wow. A rather complete description of what has happened. Suspected this and warned people but no one seemed able to really grasp the WEF thing. Entirely too big and evil for most to understand and imagine.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

So impressed.

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Dec 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Eternal gratitude for all of your work and personal sacrifices.

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This work you’ve done is so important! Great job!

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So grateful for your gift and tenacity.

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It's an amazing archive that compliments so many areas of investigation and timeline research it would be awesome if you added links to sections in Campfire wiki too. If you don't have login ask Mathew or Liam to help. Scan the sitemap for perfect places to drop links to you for deeper dives or add to what's there. :~)



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Great stuff Charles! Well done

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

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I'm guessing you may already know this, but just in case you don't, here goes. My extensive research has lead me down some side paths that may later converge. Here are some bits of outlying info.

Ecohealth Alliance received 2 PPP loans, both forgiven (meaning we are repaying them.) https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/ecohealth-alliance-4826187704


Then there's Stanley Perlman who on 2014 was caught doing unapproved MERS research.


He also poo pooed the lab leak theory


He is als a member of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC), which is charged with advising the FDA on the approval of COVID-19 vaccines. In his role he has voted for approval of the vaccines at every opportunity for every age group.

Then there's the interesting case of Charles Lieber and Harvard University.

One then has to wonder, in the case of Charles Lieber, did Harvard mislead homeland sec? Did they in fact know what Lieber had been up to? I mean...they were credited in the studies Lieber was doing at the Wuhan Harvard Joint Nanotechnology Lab in China.

Harvard claimed they didn't know the lab existed or that their name was attached to it ...allegedly.

This, even though a pic from 2012ish can be found online of good ol Doc Lieber at the lab's ribbon cutting ceremony. He's standing right in front of the lab with the lab's name right over the front doors...in Chinese AND in English...Wuhan Harvard Joint Nanotechnology Lab.


Why would Lieber bring a lawsuit against Harvard for not helping cover the cost of his defense (in the government's trial against him) if he didn't BELIEVE they knew about his arrangement? Additionally, Lieber and Harvard had a contract with Darpa, awarding Harvard, Lieber & crew, a grant to fund nanotechnology research, in collaboration with DARPA. Chuck was developing injectable, self-assembling nanotechnology small enough to be injected with a syringe. I am guessing gov agencies like DARPA, require some sort of background check, security screening etc as part of the security screening before awarding big $ grants, but maybe they just have a special pledge or secret handshake. How interesting that Lieber was indicted, tried, sentenced and jailed, before the cov jabs started shipping out. (I can't even find where he's being held.)

Lastly, who knows how deep this rabbit hole goes?


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So J.J.Couey now believes that the lab leak theory is just another dead end to keep us running in circles (this wouldn’t surprise me, btw). I heard DRASTIC, and thought of you…do you agree? And what the heck does he mean that he was ‘scooby doo’d’?

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Dec 11, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022

Are we starting to see shades of vindication for all of the work that you and D.R.A.S.T.I.C along with the plethora of researchers across the globe contributed during this global nightmare?

I pray that justice soon prevails!


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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Charles, can you please check your facebook. I'm trying to get a hold of you because you asked for the cavalry...

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I just added you

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If you were not aware, this whole censorship and cover up shit is based on all the work people did around the coverup of 9/11. 9/11 was the "Original" when it comes to trust authority and trust "The Science". By the way, they changed the bit about vaccination programmes for obvious reasons...


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