Great discussion, we all need a bitch session every once in awhile!

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Sep 16, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Maybe I’ve been listening to you and Couey too long, but the others seem a bit behind on their understanding of the intentionality underpinning this entire affair. It’s one thing to avoid ascribing malice where there is none, but we know there is ample data and now you’ve reason to share it. Thank you for your tireless research.

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Keep up the great work!

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I'd like, except you put the content on spotify, which I can't access for security reasons.

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It's also available on YouTube, and many other platforms:


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I had to use Spotify. Youtube link no longer useful.

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"The only measure is all cause mortality". Well the "Post Marketing" documentation proved a 100% ACM benefit to the UNVACCINATED and the live fire population wide injection experiment is proving ACM benefit for the UNVACCINATED. There is no medical benefit of these injections to any cohort. Measuring anti-body reactions is not an indication of effectiveness. Of course the shots will be immunogenic. They are injecting literally undisclosed substances in to people. UNDISCLOSED! People should be incensed by this.

Excluding the bias of intent in your work was appropriate, even noble, for some time. Now is the time to accept that your work PROVES intent and refocus and laser in. And watch your back.

To the extent that there may be any novel or not novel background respiratory illness that helped them murder hundreds of thousands of people, the embargo on repurposed therapeutics paints them, rightly so, as evil. How is it possible that EVERY SINGLE, official countermeasure has verifiably negative effectiveness? Because there is willful intent full of malice aforethought. A Pitt researcher may have been killed over it.

The questions of how could they or why would they are somewhat moot. They did it. The motivations are many but it must be obvious that GLOBAL population control was the reason to invent a phantom menace, whose origin can be argued over incessantly, while enough proles are scared enough to roll up theirs for being injected with unknown poisons and are sufficiently scared enough, in large enough numbers, to bully the critical thinkers to go along with the sheep,mob, crowd whatever. #G20

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By the way. Once they successfully green pass the world the repurposed drugs trials proving efficacy will waterfall fast and furious because they will help with ACM incident to poison injection.

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