You know, this is rather like seeing a fox, drinking a glass of fine white wine, after packing away the plates and cutlery, with chicken feathers scattered here and there, before he goes off to his den for a nice snooze - serving a double purpose, because he knows the schedule of the local fox hunt by heart, and he will be sleeping as the hounds go nosing around - and asking the fox precisely what happened to your chickens, some of whom appear to be missing. You won't get a straight answer, perhaps a vague reference to a pack of coyotes seen in the area recently.

The investigation has been done, the lab origin of the virus is obvious, the funding of the gain-of-function research used to create the virus is obvious. You're asking people to admit that they created and dispersed a virus which killed millions, in effect mass murder, on a scale far surpassing Hitler, Mao, and Stalin combined. They're not going to cooperate in the least - perhaps they may confess on the gallows, for the possibility of imminent death concentrates the mind wonderfully - but they will never implicate themselves or their confederates. You've made out a solid case for prosecution, the only roadblock is to dump the criminals who planned and perpetrated the bad acts - the virus and "vaccines" alike - out of their positions of power. Once that is done, then it is their time in the dock. But not until then.

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Don't worry - I'm a sheepdog.

I've fought against foxes & wolves for two decades.

What the foxes don't know is that I rigged the chicken coop and they've got ink on their paws. I hint at such in the recent livestream with J.

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I think we need to start winning the information war and make it more appealing for people who just take in what CNN dumps on them or the latest Twitter feed to actually become interested in knowing the truth. Also, we need to invest in information sharing strategies so that when forums like this are deleted (and you know substack will be pressured with their platform running on Amazon Web Services, one of the most sold-out corrupt leftists on the planet, to do such). I wrote a bit about this on my substack - which is also free to all, asking for inputs to leverage the thousands of IT professionals with a passion for freedom that could collaborate to improve our mitigation against censorship from big-tech in their spare time. https://boblphd.substack.com/p/mitigating-internet-risks-from-big/comments

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