Jan 2, 2022·edited Jan 2, 2022

I disagree with one of your statements. As a medical writer/researcher who has been following the paper trail for nigh on two years, I believe the West DID create Covid, and moved it to Wuhan to hide the fact. Baric's 2015 paper makes it clear that the virus was likely created at UNC, and then moved to Wuhan b/c GOF research was outlawed here at the time. My personal view is that the virus wasn't created to be a bioweapon. It was created to be just deadly enough - though actually not very deadly - that, with the proper messaging, financial incentives, and cooperation of govt., people would be scared enough to willingly have themselves injected with the true bioweapon, which is the vaccine, the purpose of which is a large, controlled mass murder. Just look at the all-cause mortality among the vaccinated - it's several times normal already, and we're only in the first round of boosters. The UK says that while numbers of Covid deaths are higher in the vaxxed, the rate of Covid death is higher in the unvaxxed - though there are issues with that that I won't go into here. It might be true - although, given the very real phenomenon of ADE, I doubt it - that the vaxx lessens the possibility of death via Covid, but it most certainly increases the possibility of death by clot, stroke, heart attack, etc. Even galloping stage 4 cancers are drastically ticking upward in the vaccinated, and a very high percentage of pregnant women are having miscarriages after vaccination. There is also some evidence that the vaccine attacks reproductive organs and might contribute to sterility, but information is not yet definitive on that point. Thus the vaccine kills in so many ways, and at varying time periods from the time of injection, that people are not yet connecting the dots.

Gates, Soros, Fauci (look up his vaccine glycoprotein patents at justia.com) are all making millions from the vaccine. As are NIH, the CDC, and others. Is it that far-fetched to think that they created a virus in order to scare the world into taking the actual weapon, the actual means of mass destruction and at the same time the very thing that is increasing the wealth of the elites exponentially? This two-horned goal is the reason they've deliberately squashed any talk of known treatments, why they have actually been willing to kill people via studies designed to deliver toxic doses of HCQ and ivermectin, just to "prove" that those don't work (anything will kill people if you force enough of it into them). While these monsters enrich themselves, they also vastly decrease the world's population (one of Gates's stated goals), all while training us in communism (masks to dehumanize us, destruction of individual rights and freedoms in the name of "societal good"), destroying our economy so that we're willing to swallow govt. rule, and generally making us far easier to govern as people who are cowed, obedient, and no longer with any sense of freedom or rights, willing to do whatever they say in exchange for whatever crumbs they offer us. THAT is the real story. And don't you for a minute think that Fauci wasn't part of it from the start, that he and Baric didn't know exactly why they were creating a virus (ie, in order to sell a murderous vaccine), and that he isn't privy to the scheme. Of course he is. And Birx too. And Collins too. All of them, along with Gates and Soros, should swing from the rafters for Nuremberg violations and crimes against humanity.

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In two paragraphs, you've captured the Big Picture better than anyone I've read. Bravo! For a helpful enhancement, I would suggest checking out Ron Unz's hypothesis: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-our-coronavirus-catastrophe-as-biowarfare-blowback/

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You're very kind. I don't have a blog or a substack ... feel free to copy and share. I read Unz Review occasionally but haven't seen Ron Unz's hypothesis - will do that now. Thanks.

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After reading Unz, I think he's off base. He's too much a believer in the vaccine, when in fact it's a bioweapon. He wants to blame Trump for not taking the virus seriously, but does he not remember that Trump closed the country at the end of January? Trump actually went farther than he should have in listening to the people who actually created both the virus and the vaccine. An added bonus of the release of the virus, I neglected to add in my comment above, was the destruction of the Trump economy and thus presidency - which Gates and Fauci, both of whom are progressives, were all too gleeful to bring about. The entire pandemic was perpetrated deliberately on the world, and especially on America, by Americans. And that's the story in a nutshell.

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The hypothesis I was referring to was of a U.S. bioattack on China and Iran. That's a rarely seen take.

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I do think that's valid, though China needs little additional reason to want to take us out. They're our main competitor globally, which Trump was shrewd enough to understand, but what he failed to understand soon enough is that American globalists are in league with them.

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''I disagree with one of your statements. As a medical writer/researcher who has been following the paper trail for nigh on two years, I believe the West DID create Covid, and moved it to Wuhan to hide the fact.''

Maybe something of interest regarding the role of the West:


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Thanks for the insights; and yes, indeed Alan Moore hits where it hurts

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Thank You for every effort you have and are making. I have a couple of things not specifically related here - hope you don't mind. Firstly I see that Dr Francis Collins resigned his position at end December 2021 - is it significant ? Secondly here is a link from a well followed Doctor in the UK on his analysis of a Chinese authored paper on the origins of Omicron ...... from mice !!?? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH1u1GIPU2A) Do you have a view on this ? Finally, I would like to make a financial contribution to your work and not being keen on giving all of my UK card details over the net, can you somehow let me have bank account details please ? Best Wishes.

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Thank you for shedding some more light on this maze of contradictions and loose threads.

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Thank You for every effort you have and are making. I have a couple of things not specifically related here - hope you don't mind. Firstly I see that Dr Francis Collins resigned his position at the end of 2021 - is it significant ? Secondly here is a link from a well followed Doctor in the UK on his analysis of a Chinese authored paper on the origins of Omicron ...... from mice !!?? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH1u1GIPU2A) Do you have a view on this ? Finally, I would like to make a financial contribution to your work and not being keen on giving all of my UK card details over the net, can you somehow let me have bank account details please ? Best Wishes.

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Guido Vobig

Writes Life Phiction ·1 hr ago

I have a few questions for all the number specialists, table designers and statistics interpreters:

After two years of data accumulation in the context of the ''pandemic'', does it make any sense at all to extract any statement from this mountain of data? Does the result of a data evaluation still serve any truth at all?

Why do I ask? Well, in the meantime there are so many overlaps in the definition of unvaccinated and vaccinated, of recovered and diseased, to which constantly changing definitions differing from country to country are added, that there are no longer any possibilities for comparison with which any trends or conspicuous features can be uncovered. All of the data only creates a nebulous, ever-changing picture that, in its constant succession of snapshots, creates more confusion than clarity.

Does it still somehow make sense to put so much energy into data evaluation day after day, if no one is able to produce ONE clear picture from all the different evaluations that could really help us? I don't want to diminish in any way the efforts and expertise of many people who make their evaluation skills available to the general public on a daily basis, I just wonder what drives you? Do you feel that your efforts are really bearing fruit, that something good is coming out of your work for the community? Something that will expose all those who have been lying to us and leading us around by the nose for months now. Something that many would like to see happen, of course, but is always unlikely to happen - at least that's how I feel.

It seems to me that this is exactly the intention behind all the constantly changing definitions using non-standardized tests with ever questionable interpretations on their part. As if the aim is to generate as much confusion as possible in the data jungle so that the general public completely loses its orientation and at some point stops asking questions altogether.

I would be very interested in your opinion on this and I would like to thank all of you who are always putting so much energy into bringing light into the darkness, even if the darkness never really seems to go away.

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