Read Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News on substack - a Constitutional Law scholar shows how Fauci was enabled but more importantly that this was a policy of the DoD in concert with HHS also see Sasha Latypova - cohort of Watt for deeper understanding of how covid c as me to be. All involved have full liability immunity. Know the real facts and weep.
It is so sad when governments turn against their citizens. I hope this destroys the bureaucrats in government. We deserve to live like free citizens. Thanks for all your research, that is a lot of time spent, but a lot of good for humanity.
Thank You Sir for your efforts undertaken in Your Stand for Truth in Furtherance of the Protection of The People and Constitution of the United States of America. Such Detail.
Below is a bit and of a piece of early sars-cov2 information in "note to CIA - 2 vastly different sars cov2 viruses?"
I summarize my understanding with - "a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "Unrestricted Warfare" , "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen"
This is an excerpt from the long, 4 part, (substack comment length restriction) understanding I have arrived at - which I will post here if anyone asks. the following is also from that comment.
... "Also while the mantra was being chanted that virus evolve toward increased infectiousness and reduced virulence variants appeared (clinical observation) that were much more infectious and much more virulent at the same time and in the same area in "coincidental" conjunction with ccp/pla vaccine testing in foreign countries. Variants, quite possibly, initially introduced via bioweapon encapsulation to produce airborne aerosol particles "hidden resilient source pockets of infection". South African variant, most highly virulent Gamma P1 in Brazil, which, amazingly, was effectively controlled in the high risk over 70 year old group who received the ccp/pla vaccine being tested at that time in Brazil, or spread across the world and such as Delta which doctors in India observed arose in the same area and at the same time as an experimental chinese vaccine was being tested in that area. Then the case of Omicron. Omicron with the prion creating spike insert toxin reportedly somehow now removed. The prion creating spike insert toxin present in prior variants and replicated by mRNA in the whole spike "vaccine " antigen.
This OMICRON, with prion initiating spike insert reported to have now been removed, ALLOWED TO SPREAD THROUGH CHINA" ...
note to CIA - 2 vastly different sars cov2 viruses?
Line of evidence for you to investigate. Is there truth here and does
it provide, or supplement reasonable proof that the "species" of sars
cov-2 introduced into the western world is a viral warfare attack by
china against the US?
In a youtube video Streamed live on Oct 3, 2020 on Drbeen Medical
Lectures entitled
"Bromhexine Protocol Talk with Dr. Harrison" starting at 43:36 Dr
Harrison states "the virus in wuhan was nothing it had 65 spikes on it
of which only 15 worked ... that was ok it was only a 4,000 mortality
... and so then when it got to italy it had 325 spikes all of them
were activated"
The questions are 1) is this true? and if true 2) what is the
evidence that here the virus had 100 spikes, here it had 150 spikes,
here 200 and so forth? and if there is such evidence 3) is this
evidence of natural evolution or quite well worked out chinese warfare
A few minutes search found an article recently published in "Cell".
entitled "Molecular Architecture of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus " Yao et
al., 2020, Cell 183, 1–9 October 29, 2020 ª 2020 Elsevier Inc.
Amazing testimony. Clear, logical, understandable. Even though I too have been studying this material for the past four years, I still picked up a few details that are new to me. Thank you for your contribution to bringing justice forward.
The lab leak hypothesis is of course all total nonsense. A virus didn't shutt down the economy and deprive people of their human rights resulting in rampant medical neglect for 2 years. See the real truth to the lockdown at the following link and put EVERYONE in the bin that is refusing to highlight, comment and discuss this information as a 'COVID' crtiic.
Read Katherine Watt of Bailiwick News on substack - a Constitutional Law scholar shows how Fauci was enabled but more importantly that this was a policy of the DoD in concert with HHS also see Sasha Latypova - cohort of Watt for deeper understanding of how covid c as me to be. All involved have full liability immunity. Know the real facts and weep.
She's amazing
Thank you.
It is so sad when governments turn against their citizens. I hope this destroys the bureaucrats in government. We deserve to live like free citizens. Thanks for all your research, that is a lot of time spent, but a lot of good for humanity.
Thank You Sir for your efforts undertaken in Your Stand for Truth in Furtherance of the Protection of The People and Constitution of the United States of America. Such Detail.
Below is a bit and of a piece of early sars-cov2 information in "note to CIA - 2 vastly different sars cov2 viruses?"
I summarize my understanding with - "a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "Unrestricted Warfare" , "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen"
This is an excerpt from the long, 4 part, (substack comment length restriction) understanding I have arrived at - which I will post here if anyone asks. the following is also from that comment.
... "Also while the mantra was being chanted that virus evolve toward increased infectiousness and reduced virulence variants appeared (clinical observation) that were much more infectious and much more virulent at the same time and in the same area in "coincidental" conjunction with ccp/pla vaccine testing in foreign countries. Variants, quite possibly, initially introduced via bioweapon encapsulation to produce airborne aerosol particles "hidden resilient source pockets of infection". South African variant, most highly virulent Gamma P1 in Brazil, which, amazingly, was effectively controlled in the high risk over 70 year old group who received the ccp/pla vaccine being tested at that time in Brazil, or spread across the world and such as Delta which doctors in India observed arose in the same area and at the same time as an experimental chinese vaccine was being tested in that area. Then the case of Omicron. Omicron with the prion creating spike insert toxin reportedly somehow now removed. The prion creating spike insert toxin present in prior variants and replicated by mRNA in the whole spike "vaccine " antigen.
This OMICRON, with prion initiating spike insert reported to have now been removed, ALLOWED TO SPREAD THROUGH CHINA" ...
note to CIA - 2 vastly different sars cov2 viruses?
Line of evidence for you to investigate. Is there truth here and does
it provide, or supplement reasonable proof that the "species" of sars
cov-2 introduced into the western world is a viral warfare attack by
china against the US?
In a youtube video Streamed live on Oct 3, 2020 on Drbeen Medical
Lectures entitled
"Bromhexine Protocol Talk with Dr. Harrison" starting at 43:36 Dr
Harrison states "the virus in wuhan was nothing it had 65 spikes on it
of which only 15 worked ... that was ok it was only a 4,000 mortality
... and so then when it got to italy it had 325 spikes all of them
were activated"
The questions are 1) is this true? and if true 2) what is the
evidence that here the virus had 100 spikes, here it had 150 spikes,
here 200 and so forth? and if there is such evidence 3) is this
evidence of natural evolution or quite well worked out chinese warfare
A few minutes search found an article recently published in "Cell".
entitled "Molecular Architecture of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus " Yao et
al., 2020, Cell 183, 1–9 October 29, 2020 ª 2020 Elsevier Inc. from that article quotes
1)"The Molecular Landscape of the SARS-CoV-2 Virus SARS-CoV-2
virions (ID: ZJU_5) were collected on January 22, 2020 from a patient
with severe symptoms and were propagated in Vero cells. The patient
was infected during a conference with attendees from Wuhan (Yao et
al., 2020)".
.2) "A comprehensive data analysis has been carried. In total, 56,832
spikes were manually identified from the virions, approximately 97% of
which were in the prefusion conformation and 3% in the postfusion
conformation (Method Details). An average of 26 ± 15 prefusion Ss were
found". This is presented as an early sample linked to Wuhan.
Little showed up on my few minutes searching for numbers of spikes and
evolution of spike by number type searches. What I did find was that
medical people all over are taking and freezing samples. Evidence is
there. Dr. Harrison appears to be the one who has read source
information. I read a lot of research daily, ( I am at high risk from
covid-19, I am at home and on the internet). This is the first I
have seen of reports of essentially 2 different "species" of sars
cov-2. One causing less disease in china and the other much more in
the rest of the world.
I am not the only one thinking along these lines . My few minutes
search looking for china's death numbers found this comment from
AlmostRetired63 on 13 April 2020 on a fox web page entitled "China's
low COVID-19 body count, secrecy adds to credibility concerns" By
Barnini Chakraborty | Fox News
13 April, 2020
The more deadly version of the virus was implanted in young and
healthy Chinese most able to survive. Then they hopped on a plane and
traveled to the West arriving where our populations are congested the
most. Our doctors save the lives of these carriers. But the virus is
spread to the most vulnerable elderly and underlying illness Americans
and Europeans. There are books written by two Chinese Generals a dozen
years ago or so that suggested China cannot defeat the US in a direct
confrontation. But they can undermine the economic strength of the US
by disabling our workforce through illness. Isn't it interesting that
the numbers do not add up? Huge highly congested Chinese populations
with extremely low infection rates? The large financial banking cities
of China hardly affected. Now with many businesses in the West on the
brink of collapse, the Chinese come along and try to buy them up
pennies on the dollar? To control our commerce. We need to pass laws
that prohibit the buy-out of US institutions any time there is an
economic crisis brought on by a pandemic or epidemic. Something is
very foul with China and their expansion and their quest to destroy
the USA.
A current example of "china plays Go" can be seen in the article on
TrialSite News entitled
"Sao Paulo State Seeking ANVISA Greenlight for CoronaVac (chinese
vaccine, my words) Registration: Buys 46m at $1.95 per Dose". "Last
week, the State of Sao Paulo inked a $90 million contract to receive
46 million doses of the experimental CoronaVac coming to a price of
$1.95 per dose. Note that the price points for bulk purchases in the
United States—far bigger bulk purchases—equals over ten times this
price at $20 per dose".
Please, as I asked in an email addressed to President Trump at the
White House with portions copied to you, keep track of what is in
china vaccines to see if they are hiding a vaccine against a coming
even deadlier virus in a vaccine for their current use.
Thank You for all you do to protect our country.
James A Kringlee 10/7/2020
Amazing testimony. Clear, logical, understandable. Even though I too have been studying this material for the past four years, I still picked up a few details that are new to me. Thank you for your contribution to bringing justice forward.
The lab leak hypothesis is of course all total nonsense. A virus didn't shutt down the economy and deprive people of their human rights resulting in rampant medical neglect for 2 years. See the real truth to the lockdown at the following link and put EVERYONE in the bin that is refusing to highlight, comment and discuss this information as a 'COVID' crtiic.
Thank you Sir, for your enormous sacrifice.