Aug 19, 2021Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Thank you from the American people!

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The American people deserve so much more than they've been given. I'll keep doing this until that problem gets fixed.

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Sep 4, 2021Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Here is one more well connected (former) funding source who was in bed with the coverup: Former director of the NSF Rita Colwell was a close buddy of Peter Daszak, signed the Lancet letter painting those who questioned lab origin as conspiracy theorists, helped arrange for all the Nobel laureates to demand that NIH give Daszak his grants back.

Great job, Charles!

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Jan 2, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Yes I had known about all this in the leaked emails and I think I’ve blocked about it all. Seems the ones who want to make big changes place their people into positions where they control lots of taxpayer or foundation money. Then they can accomplish their goals using other peoples dough

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Rita was also President of AAAS who will shill where AMA fear to tread. Best example that comes to mind is Big Tobacco shill Steve Milloy who made the speakers list for AAAS event.


Longtime favorite Paul Thacker takes down Milloy nicely in 2005 to see Rita's standard. So much of this jabby network is built on Rockefeller/Gates gmo infrastructure it gives a nice edge to folks like Paul & Organic Consumers/USRTK to know what closets hold the most skeletons!


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Are you a vaccinazi?

If you threaten a person’s livelihood because of their vaccine views, you are a vaccinazi.

If you censor a person’s speech because of their vaccine views, you are a vaccinazi.

If you coerce a person to get vaccinated, you are a vaccinazi.

If you restrict a person’s activities because of their vaccine status, you are a vaccinazi.

If you impede the open study and free discussion of vaccines, you are a vaccinazi.

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