Gaslight of the Gods: The new DARPA report raises a lot of questions no one is asking
For $133B a year, Americans deserve more than a giant bureaucratic middle finger
I’ll never mandate paid subscription*
Note: **The Prometheus Hub page/post** compiles most of the research and resources [1,500+] I’ve used/found/analyzed/watched/etc. during [and prior to] my efforts with DRASTIC, so that those who are looking for more about COVID’s origins can find it in one place.
*..but I won’t turn down donations via subscription*-this is my full-time [& only] job. Every donation means another spike protein of justice, riding a lipid nanoparticle across the blood-brain barrier of the bureaucracy.
[*in my fight against the mortgage mandate]
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Who Watches the Watchmen?
The very name of this Substack newsletter, Prometheus Shrugged, is a metaphor that signifies my perspective, even for those who’ve not read any of the previous articles here, for it was Prometheus whom the Greeks attributed as the god who brought fire [knowledge] to mankind, similar to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. As this blog approaches its first anniversary, the accumulation of evidence I’ve endeavored to lay out and narrate has only strengthened what my initial intuition had been - that Prometheus brought a flame to mankind, dropped it, and then blamed us for the fire he started.
Who watches the Watchmen? Part II: Gaslight of the Gods
In Part I, I laid out the evidence of Dr. Fauci and others’ continued efforts at scientific censorship of the SARS-CoV-2 origin debate, while pointing out several unanswered questions that Congress should ask of him.
Part II, however, has grown into at least 4 separate pieces by itself, because a flood of evidence has suddenly appeared that has validated & solidified the picture that has been slowly pieced together for nearly 2 years.
The underlying theme seems to be that no matter how unsettling and wide-spread we discover the natural-origin narrative/false premise gaslighting has become, the next FOIA release/whistleblower leak is simply going to teach us that we can’t win a race to rock bottom in this investigation. It is clear that entrenched interests like Fauci are willing to fight in every trench, for every inch, to avoid accountability for any mistakes made.
It’s time to start looking at the forest, NOT each locust on each pinecone on each twig on each limb on each branch of each tree.

The first piece of the puzzle to examine is the recent Marine Corps IG report leaked by Project Veritas 2 weeks ago. The second is the role of Robert Garry and his mostly ignored former lab chief, William Gallaher. I’ll focus on Fauci & the presidential science advisor/OSTP chair Kelvin Droegemeier - who colluded to hide info of CoV research from President Trump & National Security Council - in part 3. As I mentioned last week, part 4 will drop as soon as the research it discusses is published.
Thou Shalt Have No Sacred Cows Before Me
A few major developments have taken place in the last two weeks, which began with the latest Senate hearing where Dr. Fauci and Rand Paul squared off again - although this time, it was Senator Marshall that landed most of the blows.
~The DARPA Whistleblower Report~
In the video excerpt, Senator Marshall refers to the USMC Inspector General's whistleblower report published by Project Veritas earlier this week. The author of the submission, Marine Corps Major Joseph Murphy, had just completed a 1-year fellowship with DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency when he wrote to inform the Marine Corps’ senior leadership on 8/13/21 that he’d discovered documents that appeared to be highly relevant to the ongoing investigations into the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19:
The documents ‘not yet disclosed’ refers to the same DARPA DEFUSE proposal that was later leaked to me and analyzed by DRASTIC, the group of scientists and researchers I’ve been working with for a year to uncover the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.
I can’t say that DRASTIC would agree with all of the assertions within the full report, beginning with the very first sentence: “SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus.”
We don’t yet know if the virus was a pathogen or a vaccine meant to combat a pathogen, that has been reverting back to its original form. The current genomic evidence points towards Wuhan as the only source of the outbreak, although that view is also not unanimous. What is clear is that most of the scientists who still argue that the virus emerged from nature without the intervention of humans are the same scientists who were researching these exact viruses prior to the pandemic. In addition, whatever was being researched in Wuhan was an outgrowth of similar research conducted here in the US.
DRASTIC’s analysis of the DEFUSE documents was published 6 weeks after this IG report and benefited from being written by a dozen scientists & researchers - all of whom, for this particular project, had 1 or more graduate degrees [mostly PhD’s]. I can speak with some authority on this topic because I wrote the introduction to the analysis; with that in mind, I’d encourage skeptics to focus more on the similarities between what DRASTIC said and what Major Murphy wrote, before trying to argue against any of his or our conclusions:
Alternatively, you can watch Chris Martenson’s take on the introduction.
In short, there are so many disturbing pieces of evidence that have emerged regarding the NIH’s connections to gain-of-function research [in the US and in China] that it would be short-sighted to dismiss claims made by an active-duty Marine officer in an official IG whistleblower complaint. Any IG submission is treated as a legal document, with a very specific set of rules concerning chain of custody, timetables, etc. The right to privacy and protection from retribution is sacrosanct for any military member [of any rank] who submits a complaint or concern via this process, which I observed first-hand during my own Marine Corps career; therefore, I wasn’t surprised to learn that the process was used in this case. What did surprise me was that the document was leaked, because unlike the DEFUSE proposal the IG report definitely was ‘sensitive,’ and therefore its release is a punishable crime within the military’s justice system.
I highlighted that minor point because it’s an example of how overlooked details can cause our understanding of the search for COVID’s origins to be distorted, by accident or design. When the IG report was released, several news stories provided immediate, opinion-based retorts along the lines of "No, the Government isn't hiding proof that it created COVID-19." In each case, Major Murphy’s account was panned as a mish-mash of conspiracy theory talking points, without considering the fact that not all of the documents he described have been made public - or that the IG report was never written to be read by the public. In that context, let’s look at a few elements that have been completely missed in the coverage of Major Murphy’s IG complaint.
~Location, Location, Location~
In my opinion, the most obvious [and most impactful] piece of information didn’t come from the documents Major Murphy uncovered - it came from his description of where the documents were found:
JWICS is the classified network upon which TS-SCI information [the highest levels of classification] is stored, hosted by the Defense Intelligence Agency. Among the civilian intelligence agencies, the FBI leans heavily on JWICS.
Quite frankly, I’m stunned that this portion of the letter was largely missed, because the location of the file begs an obvious question:
Why didn't any of the 17 intelligence agencies mention PREEMPT/DEFUSE in the ‘Biden Report’ that the president ordered to update the country on the COVID origin investigation?
The documents came from their servers; what’s worse is that the documents were placed into a file during that investigation, and Major Murphy’s IG complaint was submitted more than 2 weeks before the Biden Report was presented to the president. It’s clear that someone wanted to keep the files safe from public scrutiny, because uploading documents without classification markings is highly unusual. It’s also clear that anyone actually looking for the documents on JWICS should’ve been able to find them, even if they didn’t know exactly what they were looking for.
Unless, of course, no one was looking for it.
~”Just a Proposal”~
When DRASTIC released the DEFUSE documents on 9/20 & 9/21, the immediate response was quite predictable - many scientists who’d previously panned the notion of a lab-leak were suddenly taken aback by the fact that EcoHealth Alliance had in fact been focused on doing the exact experiments that they had vigorously denied attempting. Then and now, the scientists listed in the proposal have simply pointed out that it was a proposal, and thus doesn’t mean anything.
Many others have since pointed out that scientists usually have performed a certain portion of the work prior to requesting grant funding, because they want to ensure that their idea has a reasonable chance of succeeding [among other reasons].
My own curiosity was triggered when I saw the documents listed in the reference section:
I noticed that there were two more items listed than I’d been given - files that were in the same folder as the PREEMPT documents, but not part of that proposal. Items 7 & 8 are typical for grant applications, except these particular files have two distinct grant ID numbers in their names; the first is one that doesn’t publicly exist. Whatever WS00094394 is, it’s clear that whoever was preparing documents for that other proposal was planning on using the same basic roster as a template. Presumably, whoever placed these files in that folder would be able to tell us something of value, because the copy they tucked away contained DARPA’s rejection letter - unsigned.
Only a limited number of individuals at DARPA would’ve known or cared about an unapproved document, especially an unsigned version of a rejection letter for an unapproved proposal. That unsigned letter was likely in a shared-drive file left by James Gimlett, the program manager that oversaw the PREEMPT bidding process but left later on. Whoever retrieved it chose to hide all of the documents on JWICS, without going through the necessary steps to record and mark the pages.
Did EcoHealth Alliance seek other funding for DEFUSE? The dual grant codes in the file names for attachments/references 7 & 8 certainly imply that the idea was being considered. It certainly wouldn’t have been all that surprising, because the team in the DEFUSE proposal had worked together for a long time. For context, I dug through the major FOIA collections that had just been released in September & October, from The Intercept and White Coat Waste Project. The former batch contained the annual updates from EHA’s 5-year NIH grant, and the latter included the proposal to extend the existing grant for another 5 years:
I’ll translate, to save time. They’re functionally unchanged, with only the aerosol/bat vaccine portions removed. Thus, the individuals that had ‘accidentally’ conducted GOF experiments during the 3-year moratorium were all still in charge, including Peter Daszak, who now has another $24 million in grant funding just since Trump ‘killed’ 5% of EHA’s funds on April 27th, 2020.
That would look really bad, in hindsight.
Then again, a lot of things look terrible in hindsight - like the fact that Dr. Fauci knew the mRNA vaccines would result in rapid emergence of escape variants, years before 2021. Even DARPA knew, which is another reason why they rejected the PREEMPT proposal. Huh.
So then what would've been the justification for mandates now, with efficacy actively waning [for the military, whose mandate is still active]?
Senator Paul, I’m probably not the only American who is interested in the answer to that question.
~It gets worse before it gets better~
Why do these latest findings matter - how do they fit in with what we already know?
Dr. J. Mercola’s analysis of my findings is a professional summary of my first 6 articles on Fauci’s scientific censorship; my prior analysis of the DARPA documents & the vaccine mandates is in the post PREEMPTive Spike.
I can’t think of a better way to conclude than with Major Murphy’s own words, in his only statement made to Project Veritas; he displayed clear leadership at the same moment that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins & 17 intelligence agencies displayed utter contempt towards the public and the Constitution they also swear an oath to uphold. The tragedy of courage in the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve found, is the fact that it’s been so easy to spot; standing out is automatic when everyone around you isn’t even standing up.
Semper Fidelis
~C. H. Rixey
Analyst & Researcher, DRASTIC
For further information on all linked articles from this post, and for more than a thousand other COVID-origin references and other free & fully public resources published on ResearchGate, start with these links:
What I've found so compelling about the COVID story for the past two years: It has all the best aspects of detective mysteries, crime novels, spy novels, political dramas and scientific inquiry, all mixed together. I find this endlessly fascinating.
I may be missing the point, but this sentence doesn't make sense to me: "It’s clear that someone wanted to keep the files safe from public scrutiny." If that were so, the files would have stayed where they had been, hidden away. Instead, they suddenly showed up. That suggests to me that someone wanted them found.
thank u for your intense work on the doc intel. it is coming together. there are more reveals coming.