This was excellent. Definitely keep focusing on these primary players who aren’t particularly well known to the general public. We can all hope that one day they’ll be household names in a way they never imagined.

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If you're interested in unfamiliar names, you're going to really enjoy the next two chapters.

Kelvin Droegemeier worked with Fauci to lie to the president and most of the executive branch, yet is still almost unknown.

That's even after Glenn Beck discussed him in the TV special I co-wrote; it's also a piece of evidence that Congress has already authenticated to me in person last fall.

The lesson, apparently, is to keep sharing, lol.

The truth will eventually break free.

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Thanks for bringing up Peter Hotez, I have such an intense dislike of him.

His stupid Covid vaccine was such a joke, too

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He's been out of the origin spotlight, but he's certainly not innocent. His anti-science crusade has been fueling the fires of division in the vax debate, which is horrific because he knows that the jabs he's protecting are not what was claimed, and enabled their development while staying silent on the problems. So many ethical doctors have suffered because of him.

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Eloquently expressed. Keep exposing them. Kudos for citing all your sources. Hotez is hiding behind a benevolent persona, acting like a victim in his twitter echo chamber. He is a cognitively biased bafoon and a complete and utter fraud.

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"In short, Fauci & Hotez & many others knew that the mRNA-type vaccines were short-term solutions only, and would’ve been most effective if targeted mostly towards the at-risk people in a population, thus prolonging the potential period of efficacy by reducing the selection pressure on the virus to evolve and escape the vaccine. Instead, they pushed for universal vaccination [which sped up the process of evolution] and called for mandates RIGHT AT the moment when evidence of viral escape was beginning to accelerate."

The fact that they knew but did not care is very telling.

"The entire medical profession has been strong-armed by government agencies and officials into supporting a pandemic response that has often been antithetical to the concepts of first do no harm and informed consent; the doctors in private practice who’ve stood up and questioned the wisdom of such measures have been attacked as ‘anti-vax,’ conspiracy theorists, or worse. In recent months, many of them have been targeted by state licensing boards, with the intent of blackmailing dissenters into silence under threat of losing their licenses to practice medicine!"

When you understand that the end game is to "radically transform" this nation into a western Marxist experiment at the cost of individual liberty, then everything else makes perfect sense.

Charles Rixey has done a phenomenal job cataloging all the evidence he has found and gathered together along the way. This article, part IV in this series, is full references and unmistakable evidence of the crimes against "We The People Of The United States Of America!" It is past time that heads should roll; figuratively or literally!

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Dr Jay Battacharia said in a discussion about the GBDeclaration that he had recalculated the CFR in the SARS to be less than 1%. Everyone quotes the 10%! and I wonder if that was a deliberately elevated fig as part of the first SARS (pandemic test run )….

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Thank you for your brilliant enlightenment, the best carefully crafted jigsaw picture I have seen 😊

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Hotez has inadequacy issues. He is the nerd in high school that hung out in the science lab and wanted to be part of the popular crowd. He wants to be Fauci. He wants to hobnob on Rogan. Thus, this very early paper by him about crafting a scientific brand. This is the real Hotez.

He found a little crowd of adulators in the other people who hate "anti-vaxxers". Grounding one's popularity in a group in mutual hate of an other is a historically sound way to achieve notoriety (extremely ironic here that many of these people were once the target not the targeter), they all lack any sort of self-awareness or understanding of history. Just pathetic.


Great article thank you.

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'a >1% CFR for COVID-19'

It is now November 2022. I believe the CFR (same as IFR?) for Covid has now been shown to be much, much less than 1%, although highly stratified by age.

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