I love GoS! Nothing could make me happier after a day of reading grim details of COVID data manipulation... Perfectly aimed!

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Although I've never thought about it from that perspective, that is certainly an underlying driver of my humor. My sarcasm was sharpened beyond all necessity [& decency] during my Marine Corps career, but it absolutely has been my go-to way of breaking up the monotony of my research.

COVID data analysis, & now the origin investigation, have been my full-time job since March 2020. When coupled with the insanity of my findings about the experiments, censorship and arrogance coming from the scientific establishment, the result is an abundance of inspirational material for a mischievous mind like mine.

Once or twice, someone has suggested to me that my humor might seem out of place, given the subject matter I frequently cover in my articles; however, I unequivocally disagree with that argument, because ridicule is EXACTLY the manner in which we should approach this flaming dumpster fire. In the real world, we don't hold our tongues when we see a driver confidently rolling down a street in the wrong direction, because that's the type of mistake that can impact others.

So why are we supposed to pretend that the scientific establishment is deserving of respect and has our best interest at heart, when they bristle at our lack of deference to their wisdom while explosions are going off behind them?

It's good to know that I'm not the only observer who sees just how big the pile of bullshit is that scientific officials are desperately working to bury. I am constantly amazed by the hypocrisy of those who are now forcing the U.S. to mass-vaccinate, and comparing anyone who rejects Science's new jab to Nazis or the mentally retarded - even though it's highly likely that COVID-19 arose as an accidental leak from experiments in support of CoV vaccine development.

We shouldn't be pretending that the conversation must be framed by 'decorum' so as to not offend the sensibilities of Dr. Fauci et al - we should pointing and laughing at the flaming dumpster in the distance, and prosecuting anyone who may have contributed to this appalling cover-up, not silently accepting the dictates of the 'experts' who are now blaming US for causing the fire.

As you can see, I'm a little 'trust-hesitant' when it comes to giving the benefit of the doubt to our public health officials, lol. I'm fairly confident that attacking our 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th & 14th Amendment rights is not the best way to kindle the flames of reconciliation.

I AM confident, however, that I can handle the burden of providing constructive criticism until the prodigal sons of science come home.

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Well said, Charles. I find it beautiful to observe the emergence from the dumpster fire of people with integrity: yourself, Julius Ruechel, Chris Martenson, James Lyons-Weiler, el gato malo, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Peter McCollough, Michael Capuzzo, and the generalist reporters Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald. This cluster hints at where the culture could go, once the Great Reset clowns are behind bars.

This morning, I discovered the propaganda handbook for the news industry. They have an extensive library of posts and training guides to teach journalists how to suppress legitimate inquiry (i.e., science).

Gross examples:




The only NWO funder not found on the About page is Gates.

You might think of making your tag line "Watching the Dumpster Fire from Afar."

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