Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Amazing compilation! Congratulations!

We now know beyond any issue of a doubt.

But still, they lie to us!

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

I commend the author for this work.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Brilliant. I'm grateful for you! Your ancestors, and the many voiceless would be proud. Thanks for your service. 🙏🙏

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Thousands of docs and you have not figured out there is no virus? Virology is pure JUNK science. Virus’s do not exist.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

The only value you provide is being a target for the sport of creative derision.

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$1000 PayPal to you if you can provide any study proving the Covid virus was isolated and purified and THEN it’s RNA is extracted and put on the fakery gene sequence machine. I’ll wait.

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Who judges the question of proof?

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Someone who doesn't understand that gene sequencing works isn't worth your time.

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These replies are most condescending, and merely get you into trouble, appearing conceited and nasty. It's well known who judges the question of proof. The postulates are well-founded in science (Koch's), for a living infectious organism, and the logic is well-founded.

Moreover, people who do not understand gene sequencing are worth giving time; for example most doctors don't understand gene sequencing, and nor do most 'virologists'.

Neither do children or, builders, weavers, or farmers - People who actually matter, the ones that 'save lives'. Your dismissal is a disgrace.

What is worse however, is that most gene sequencers do not understand health or body metabolism and health whatsoever. Nor do they understand epidmiology as a whole - just little bits that suit them.

This state of affairs result sin a blind researcher making all sorts of genetic discoveries at the bidding of his/her employer, and these are quickly written up and conclusions drawn without relation to real world effects in the body.

Bio-chemical assays and snap shots of genetic material and clelluar responses provide no genuine knowledge without knowledge of metabolisim in real terms of health and disease - true clinical medicine and epidemiology. The data does not speak for itself. The conclusions drawn by 'gene seqeuncers' are ridiculous. Always.

I would also venture to say, that such people, living in their air-conditioned unhealthy atmospheres suffer form lung detritus concentrations as a poison with flu symptoms above average. They are the last people on earth to suggest open the window and breath fresh air as a remedy, or switch to radiant heat instead of warm air convection. You are fools. every one of you, and egoists. You ar enot needed. You are not only a waste of time, you ar a waste of public funds , and a waste of stolen money.

Do not think I am saying ther eis no spiked protein. There is. The 'vaccine' is the poison. Not the 'living infectious virus'

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Post some truth and we’ll cross that bridge.

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Who judges the question of proof? - and who judges the question of truth?

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Terrain theory dates from back before macrophages were discovered, in the 1880s. People knew something was going on, but had no idea why, and so they created an explanatory theory, to link the effects which were known, and what they surmised were the causes - bad food, bad water, bad air, producing bodies which were susceptible to infection and disease - the "terrain" was favorable for infection to occur. They were in essence flying blind, they did the best that they could at the time, and terrain theory was the result. But scientific knowledge improved and increased, and people were able to detect structures and processes which they could not see before - and that was the end of terrain theory.

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The “virus theory” is weaponized junk fake science by the Rothschilds for profit and now extermination. That’s it and that’s all. It’s not complicated.

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This is like debating epicycles vs elliptical orbits in astronomy, epicycles had good explanatory power, but they had no predictive power. Same case for terrain theory, it could explain what happened, but it could not be the basis for any kind of epidemiology, it had no predictive power as to how disease spreads, and useful scientific theories have to have both explanatory and predictive power. In addition, terrain theory isn't really falsifiable, either, you can't do a test to disprove it, since it's an after-the-fact explanation. And that's why scientists won't waste their time debating it, it's not useful in making predictions. Viruses have been shown to exist, to cause infection, and that theory has been used successfully for decades to predict the course of infection spread and the various means by which it occurs - and can be used to devise measures to stop the spread of infection, and that includes actual vaccines which do work - unlike the current crop of spike protein mRNA vaccines which were predicted all the way back in 2020 to not work due to the mutability of the spike protein on the *virus*.

You can be like the flat-earthers and spout your nonsense all you want, but it's not science, for the reasons given above. And one of the best cures for ignorance is premature death.

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What about ivermectin?

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I agree with you, Richard. And those who insult you do so because they can't challenge you.

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26 months and I have yet to pay out the bounty.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Charles, The introduction strongly implied that this article would serve as the top-level introduction to your entire work. I personally have always been overwhelmed by the vastness of your research, so I was excited to see the central themes all laid out.

I'm disappointed to report I'm still overwhelmed. I think part of it is the typography. I believe the inclusion of various pieces of inconsistent typography prevents the conveying of a coherent set of themes. As I'm an editor, I offer to work with you to tune this up to be accessible to a far larger audience. I don't think it would take much work...

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Show your work. Claims are easy. Work is hard.

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You can’t post a fake virus is real. There is ZERO science for it. Only pseudo science word salad gobbley gook.

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Ooh, if someone could turn this into a video (pro-bono), that would also be valuable and would help get the word out.

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Rixey's work is brilliant, but I have the same problem to. Your advice was respectfully constructive and it seems Rixey, the humble genius, thought so too. PS: I suspect that Rixey has a lot more to say and if he did "convey a coherent set of themes" his article would be twice as long - lol.

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Excellent work Charles. Brilliant and comprehensive, as always. Thank you.

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Excellent work that will pay off, never doubt that!

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WOW! Thank you 💥🚀

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So it’s gain of function virus, I think the real big gain of function is the “vaccine”. More cytotoxic spike protein. And some.

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Correct. It’s been the VAXX Bio Weapons the whole time.

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This doesn't look like the basis for a civil proceeding, besides which civil remedies would be largely cut off by the PREP Act. It does look like the basis for a criminal information or indictment, the charges from which are pretty obvious. "[T]here’s no indication that Fauci et al will cooperate in any way without a subpoena" - if he did, that would be a potential admission against interest and could come into evidence in criminal proceedings. If I were his attorney, I'd advise him to keep silent and refuse to answer questions; fight every motion for discovery and request for submission tooth and nail, appeal adverse decisions if necessary, and keep the ball rolling on process for as long as possible. Same case for any business records subpoenas - motions to quash, appeals if needed, motions in limine. And the first motion to file is to the court for an order to preserve evidence, if it hasn't already been filed... Since CDC is an Executive Branch agency, if it has an IG's office, that would probably have to get involved, and sovereign immunity might also have to be dealt with - perhaps a Special Prosecutor appointed...

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Motions to preserve evidence have been submitted in many jurisdictions; I recommended particular targets last fall, so I know for a fact that this has occurred for some aspects of certain investigations. There was certainly awareness of federal deadlines for maintenance of government records, and I have no doubt that Fauci is closely tracking such things

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Electronic discovery should include the periodic backup files, including incremental backups, and there may be multiple copies on various media, agencies do this as a matter of course. Then, if files are "erased", unless they have been overwritten securely (and in that case, there's still the possibility of magnetic domain analysis, they can still be recovered, because when files are "erased", a bit is set so that area of the hard drive can be overwritten by other files, and fairly often, that is not done, which means the "erased" file is still present in whole or in part...

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Assuming we still have a functional judiciary is a stretch. The current Trump court proceedings are case in point. Hell will freeze over before we find successful adjudication of these issues. By then we'll be dead or we'll be cyborgs as promised. Bottoms up!

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Throw this man some shekels!

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Jul 30, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

"The real questions that Congress, the media or other scientists should be asking at this point - 2 and a half years on - are why they censored these elements [and still are], and why they retained these elements in their vaccines."

Because it's a Congressionally-authorized and funded bioterrorism program. The threat to the globalists is human beings. The prophylactics they've developed -- in compliance with international prohibitions on bioweapons except for prophylactics -- is SARS-CoV-2, its precursors in HIV/MERS/SARS/H1N1 etc., and the lethal injections containing the spike proteins, mRNA/DNA, lipid nanoparticles, and other undisclosed components.

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Exactly. Some elements of our own government did this. Fauci assumes he will

never be at any risk. Its obvious how disingenuous he is in every interview and even more so when he faces congressional testimony. Clearly Fauci knew quite well the biology and he is either complicit or incompetent beyond comprehension. Your US government DOD did this to the world because some elements believe the end justifies the means.

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Semper Fi brother, there are many that appreciate what you are saying.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Amazing and fascinating work!! I hope that you're keeping copies of everything in a safe place!

I have a couple of questions: Is everybody assuming that, since 2015, the Chinese only performed the gain-of-function tasks as detailed by the contracts from EcoHealth Alliance, etc.? Is anybody considering the possibility that the Chinese did a whole lot of their own gain-of-function stuff to the virus? (And have published some papers about their work because they can't help boasting about it just a little bit.) After all, quite a few of the Chinese scientists have been educated and well trained by the US experts in the field.

This might help explain why China is using extreme measures to ensure that the virus does not infect a large percentage of their population - and have not used the mRNA 'vaccines'.

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The reality is that China almost CERTAINLY did a sizable volume of their own GOF work.

One of the things we as DRASTIC have done is gone through hundreds of Chinese language-only research papers.

So, yes, we know that China was investigating all sorts of things, and we don't presume that EHA was the instigator in everything. Sadly, most media and scientists have had no trouble pretending otherwise.

I do believe that Chinese knowledge of the virus has played a significant role in determining their response. Part of my concern is that NIH knew the score very early on as well, and yet went a completely different path.

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what part of their response would you say was conditioned/determined by Chinese knowledge of the virus? regarding lockdowns in particular, do you think it's strange they lasted so long for despite Chinese knowledge about the virus?

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Superb research and analysis. Many thanks!

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

Thank you, Charles, for all your work! I have felt since the rapid attacks on the Indian Team who determined it was likely a man-made, GOF, DURC, or a Bio-weapon virus, (whichever term is preferred,) that it wasn't natural. Obviously. And that forces inside our "health agencies" were frantic to cover it up.

My question really lies more in the realm of speculation as to why we, the Formerly Free World, (Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA & Europe, ) destroyed our own economies, tortured our children, broke the world's supply lines, weakened our military, police, medical personnel, students, all those who keep society running, killed hundreds of thousands of people with lethal protocols, (Remdesivir and a Vent, [USA,] or Starvation and Midazolam, [Great Britain],) raised death rates and case rates artificially, and then rolled out a very toxic and dangerous "vaccine" which prevents neither infection nor transmission, promotes the development of variants, creates greater susceptibility to Covid over

time, and additionally causes an explosion in Cancer, Stroke, Heart Attack, Myocarditis, bizarre clotting, menstrual and fertility problems, and forces our bodies into making the toxic spike protien with prion attached, all wrapped up in nano lipid particles which cross every membrane in the human body!

I can only see this as WW lll playing out, with forces inside our government working for the other side and forcing destruction upon us. China did not force inject her people with the toxic mRNA shots to my knowledge.

The FFW (Formerly Free World) did.

What is your take on the overall big picture? I've come to the same conclusions as Dr. Mike Yeadon--- whoever is running this show wants us dead. And neither the virus nor the vaccine were "new" from the work of Dr. David E. Martin on the patents of record. Those inside the system have been working on this since 2006, it appears...

So intentional take down of the Free World?

Or some other plot or idiocy I cannot grasp?

Your insight as to who and why would be very interesting, just as speculation.

Please comment.

Thank you!

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Aug 13, 2022Liked by Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)

This work borders on miraculous. Could there be a more comprehensive and referenced statement on this most heinous crime against humanity? God Bless you, Mr. Rixey. #OurMilitaryAreOurChildren

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