On July 26th, two papers were published in the scientific journal Science which argued that SARS-CoV-2 arose from the Huanan Wet Market in Wuhan, China, and thus NOT as a result of a lab escape or intentional release:
The molecular epidemiology of multiple zoonotic origins of SARS-CoV-2 | Science
At some point, I’ll write an article that details the specifics of why those papers are wrong - and the authors know it - but for now, I just want to highlight some of the evidence that disproves their assertions.
I should point out that the conclusions from my analysis are from more than one hundred [130+, technically] sources - most of which have never even been addressed by the authors of those two papers, which includes 3 of the 5 authors of the Fauci-commissioned “Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2,” the infamous study that Fauci used to claim that a “consensus” of scientists agreed that the virus came from nature, not a lab.
But, I’ll save those details for later.
These are two good summaries of the data, at different times in my investigation. Well worth the listen, I promise.
Dr. McCairn's Livestream from 7/18/2021 - The 1st Deconstruction
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