The Sword of D'Omicron: Why We Cannot Allow the Definition of 'Vaccinated' to Change
Fauci's final gambit to protect...himself
Note: **The Prometheus Hub page/post** compiled research and resources [1,500+] I’ve used/found/analyzed/watched/etc. during [and prior to] my efforts with DRASTIC, so that those who are looking for more about COVID’s origins can find it in one place.
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Omicron will prove just how much of the cure wasn't related to the disease
Although whispers of such an action have been floated in the media as trial balloons by the Biden administration for several months, Dr. Fauci now says a redefinition of 'fully vaccinated' is 'on the table.' Anyone who has been paying attention to the prevailing public health trends in the West has seen numerous countries take that step - and from a purely 1-step ahead perspective, the waning of immunity from the original series of vaccines is real. The bigger problem, however, is that boosting an immune system with literally the same partial epitope-covering vaccine simply speeds up the process.
I could continue to list dozens of legitimate arguments against using these mRNA boosters to combat Omicron, but I shouldn’t have to - because as I wrote in October in PREEMPTive Spike, Fauci knows these arguments, and has known them for several years. If he lied about the ability of the vaccines to end the pandemic a year ago, just imagine how ridiculous it is for us to accept - much less endure - mandates Fauci calls for.
It gets more ridiculous - we haven’t even changed a definition yet.
The Sword of Damocles
In the off chance that some readers haven’t recently picked up a copy of Cicero’s Tusculan Disputations or seen the specific Kanye album cover that references it, the myth referenced in the title involves a member of the court of an ancient Greek king, who was jealous of the lavish trappings that his boss enjoyed. Once, Damocles was offered the chance to switch places with the king for a day, but the king added a special twist - he suspended a sword directly above the throne, held in place by a single strand of horsehair. He didn't want Damocles to miss out on the rest of the experience - the day-to-day stress that comes with any position of power, knowing that someone is always working to replace you as violently as you replaced them.*
*Unless you are Anthony Fauci
Somehow, the story has been totally reversed - instead of the sword hanging over the head of Dr. Fauci, reminding him of his limited tenure at the top of our federal pandemic response, he’s holding the sword over our heads.
The percentage of American adults that is currently fully vaccinated is approximately 85%, per the CDC [as of 12/27]. Thankfully, that means that the 2nd half of President Biden’s recent holiday message of hope and joy doesn’t apply to you:
Once Fauci waves his magic wand of fascism freedom, the percentage will go from 85% [at least 1 shot] to 32.1%. So, for 159,667,930 of you [+me], soon, President Biden’s ‘**** you’ will magically include YOU deviant/failure/anti-vax/spawns of Satan/anti-science/alt-right/pseudo-intellectuals, too!
Welcome to the club!
Adding insult to injury, the FDA only authorized the booster for 18+ a month ago; thus, since you didn't surrender your civil liberties fast enough, our own president says good luck getting treated at your overflowing hospital, not that you deserve it.*
*This paraphrase isn't sarcasm
Those readers of average sentience may have already realized a few of the other implications:
*A majority of our new fellow scum are Democrats. Be kind, as they weren't likely expecting to become what they were told to hate.
*Our scum status is wholly arbitrary
*Omicron bypasses the Booster vax anyway
*Upset? They don't care.
*Complain = get banned/silenced/scapegoated/hated
The line was always arbitrary, and only exists so that “they” can redraw boundaries as needed.
It gets worse → Dr. Fauci & friends want that mandate back - and extended to all of your kids.
It gets worser → Why would Fauci change this definition now?
This isn't a minor shift of language. Almost all of the deaths in the next 6 weeks will come from the δ variant. Fauci's argument was that δ was a 'pandemic of the unvaccinated.' #BlueWinter will prove that was a lie. If that were true, then the definition change would be unnecessary. When the final numbers come in, you'll be able to see the interplay between prevalence of each variant and the case fatality rate [CFR]. I bet the US won't even publish deaths by variant.
The ‘Science’ of Omicron
If you're wondering why I'm optimistic... Omicron replicates 10x slower than Delta in the lungs, but 70x faster in the bronchi [upper respiratory tract]; in other words, a 700-fold shift away from pneumonia enablement. That's GOOD news, CNN.
Here’s some actual science on the Omicron variant:
Do you see the massive death spike in S. Africa? No, you see no shift in deaths lagging cases by 1-2 weeks, which has been the global pattern since the start of the pandemic.
This 'redefinition' of 'fully vaccinated' has 1 purpose - to allow the gov to hide the size of its failure from YOU.
What is the purpose of 'fully vaccinated?' None. It's a fake label we respect because the experts have told us that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated?
What it DOES provide is even more wiggle room for the government to 'shape' the data.

They're going to top it all off by changing the definition immediately before the deaths start peaking. That's possibly why they haven't already done so; imagine the result -those who actually trusted Fauci become victims, all while CDC calls them unvaccinated victims of Omicron. Most of them will likely be vaccinated individuals, dying from Delta.
[A few excellent takes on Omicron: Dr. Buzz Hollander on Omicron’s impact at RealClearPolitics, Dr. Campbell on the US Omicron surge, Geert Vanden-Bossche's 2nd call to the WHO]
A final nugget from a recent post by Alex Berenson:
To recap:
A) Dr. Fauci’s NIAID has studied coronavirus vaccines for a decade
B) Dr. Fauci’s Vaccine Research Center [VRC] signed a contract for a pan-CoV vaccine based on mRNA technology 3 months after DARPA rejected a similar proposal in bats
B1) Ralph Baric was involved in all of these projects/proposals
B2) Baric wrote of the difficulties in creating a CoV vaccine [and the success of monoclonal antibodies] in the same 2 papers [2015 & 2016] discussing the results of gain of function [GOF] experiments that Senator Rand Paul alluded to in his contentious back-and-forth arguments with Fauci in Congressional hearings over the last 9 months.
C) Dr. Fauci’s NIAID is the foremost authority on immune responses to infectious diseases in the world. All of them, including Dr. Fauci, knew that the high frequency of recombination within coronavirus viral swarms meant that any vaccine based on partial epitope coverage was doomed to fail over the long-term.
D) Therefore, the decision to tear apart American society over the science behind ‘the pandemic of the unvaccinated’ was an intentional lie.
E) Furthermore, Dr. Fauci’s continued support for mandates, for vaccines/boosters already proven incapable of preventing the spread and symptomatic infection of the Omicron variant is unconscionable.
F) Dr. Fauci’s support for redefining what ‘vaccinated’ means, to include only those who’ve received a so-called ‘booster’ shot, will effectively allow the CDC to claim that the vast majority of COVID-19 deaths amongst those who’ve only received two shots of the mRNA vaccines will fall under the ‘unvaccinated’ category. This will prevent Americans from learning the true cost and magnitude of Fauci’s failure over the last decade of coronavirus research. Congress and the states must reject this arbitrary change.
Omicron has more than just the δ variant to displace in our world. The prevailing viewpoint has been that there's a 'new normal,' the goal of 'building back better.' I've not been convinced that a 'New Normal' is inevitable or desirable - and certainly not on the basis of such a massive lie.
It’s time to reject the ‘science’ of the ‘scientists’ who’ve lied to us for nearly two years. That’s our Christmas gift to ourselves. Our only resolution for 2022 should be to demand - and be given - the truth.*
~ Rixey
*This is the easiest resolution ever. We’ve been building the mountain of evidence and more is coming soon.
Merry Christmas
hello Prometheus Shrugged. i just subscribed to say hello. read your background, and am impressed. i also was at Quantico as the civilian editor assistant at the Weapons Training Battalion back when Gunny Zins was still there. (can give more background later)
i've followed the DRASTIC efforts for quite awhile, and believe that i may have stumbled onto something back in 2019 that may prove the key to C19 origins. more to follow...
your wingman,
As Marc alluded to, and I concur, the disheartening part is having "ALL the evidence" and all the while it seems nobody is ever brought to give account or pay the price for their sins against our society! When no price is paid, is the battle for the truth really worth it? I believe it is, but what do we really gain when all is said and done?