Gaslight of the Gods, part VI: The Sound of Science
How Dr. Fauci conspired to suppress COVID's origin - from his own President
~Gaslight of the Gods~
Prologue – The Sword of D’Omicron; I – The DARPA/Project Veritas leak; II – Manufactured Consensus; III – The Architects of COVID-19 Consensuship; IV – Anti-Science - The Guardians of the Fallacy; V – The Myth of the Blind Watchmaker [Watchmaker 2.0; topical bibliography]; VI – The Sound of Science; VII – The Allegory of the Plague

For the last few months, my primary focus has been uncovering & laying out the evidence that shows how targeted censorship of the Furin Cleavage Site [FCS] & HIV inserts within the SARS-CoV-2 genome - beginning in the 1st week of February in 2020 - [Watchmaker 2.0; topical bibliography] changed the entire course of the pandemic. Part VII will summarize that effort, and touch on the latest evidence that I’ve pieced together.
Here, however, we are going back - all the way back - to my discovery that I discussed in my very first Substack article on 2/25/21; namely, that Anthony Fauci was directly involved in the narrative building & censorship of the origin debate from the very beginning.
-The beginning of the repeal of the Gain Of Function [GOF] ban came on 1/9/2017 - prior to President Trump’s inauguration.
-Dr. Fauci knew all about EcoHealth Alliance’s GOF transgressions by 1/27/2020 - despite maintaining to this day that no GOF experiments occurred.
-Dr. Fauci colluded with the Presidential Science Advisor, Kelvin Droegemeier, to suppress US research ties to the WIV from the Trump administration, as well as his efforts to censor scientific research [confirmed to me in person by Congressional investigators last year]. Trump & his White House were never told about the P3CO issues involving EcoHealth Alliance - not even after Trump learned of EHA’s connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and demanded that all funding be cut off from any grant that sent money to the WIV.
~The Hand that Rocks the Cradle~
In the introduction to DRASTIC’s analysis of the DEFUSE proposal to DARPA [9/20/2021], I wrote:
The lifting of the gain-of-function (GOF) moratorium in late 2017, in conjunction with the introduction of the Potential Pandemic Pathogen Care and Oversight framework (P3CO), has allowed GOF research with SARS-like coronaviruses to resume with very few practical limits. In particular the absence of clear definitions of GoF, creative interpretations of the guidelines, and rather discretionary decisions to refer research projects or not, all contributed to reducing the effectiveness of the P3CO framework - despite the fact that other agencies of the US federal government actively maintained the GOF standards.
It’s still true.
On 1/9/17 - just 11 days before the inauguration of President Trump, the OSTP Director John Holdren announced interim guidance for the repeal of the GOF pause. The timing of this decision, in the last days of an Obama administration that had supported the pause on GOF research, seems dubious at best, given that the appointment of a new OSTP director would take time. Literally the next day, emails were sent out in the NIAID that announced a meeting where program managers would go through each of the paused studies and review their status:
All in all, it seems strange that the NIAID would be in such a hurry to review programs that had been sidelined for more than two years, right at the moment when a reluctant president was packing, and there would soon be vacancies for a new OSTP director, Secretary of Health & Human Services, and many other leadership positions besides. This is especially striking considering the topic - why would there be a rush to re-start potentially dangerous experiments on viruses of pandemic potential?
Furthermore, Fauci's NIH helped EcoHealth Alliance bypass the NIH's own gain-of-function regulations - and then used elements of EHA’s own arguments as part of the new P3CO guidelines that the NIH/HHS implemented the next year when the GOF moratorium was lifted.
“It’s absolutely outrageous,” said Simon Wain-Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. “The NIH is bending over backward to help people it’s funded. It isn’t clear that the NIH is protecting the U.S. taxpayer.” The Intercept, 11/3/21
“This is like the teacher giving you the opportunity to write your own homework problem and grade your own homework when you turn it in. Then you decide the teacher is so lenient, there’s no need to hand it in,” said Ebright. “The oversight process clearly failed.” Richard Ebright, microbiologist at Rutgers University
In the end, the Trump White House didn’t fill OSTP director spot for more than a year - by which time Anthony Fauci & Francis Collins [Fauci’s boss as the director of the overall NIH [National Institutes of Health] had already fully implemented their new oversight scheme.
Thus the 2017 repeal of the GOF ban was decided without the consultation of the Trump administration, even though news coverage during the pandemic blamed him for the decision. Neither Fauci nor his boss Francis Collins [the NIH director] bothered to clarify the record, which looks especially disgusting in the wake of persistent rejections of Senator Rand Paul’s assertions [with accompanying evidence] that the NIH ever financially supported such research.
It gets better……
Fauci knew about the truth of EHA by 1/27:
*[I put ‘non-profit’ in quotation marks because we now know that more than 80% of EHA’s funding comes from the Department of Defense [DTRA] or the US Agency for International Development [USAID, an unofficial arm of our intelligence community]
This fact will turn out to be one of the most important concepts of the entire origin story - but first, we need to highlight the implications of the least -known & understood aspect of the ‘week that changed the course of the pandemic’ [1/29/2020-2/4/2020], because WHO he lied to also matters.
-Mutually Assured Corruption-
The part that everyone is mostly missing is the far more important aspect of the Baric emails - one that got lost amidst the 83K pages of FOIA documents received by US Right-to-Know during the winter of 2020-2021. Before Christmas, USRTK had published the first blockbuster FOIA finding, in the form of emails containing a group conversation between scientists who were trying to concoct a natural-origin narrative for SARS-CoV-2. Most striking was that 4 of 5 co-authors of The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 were involved, as well as the 2 most implicated scientists, Ralph Baric & Peter Daszak.
I fully transitioned from researching COVID data to hunting the origins of the pandemic in January, 2021, and a few weeks later I found some big clues that had been missed in the 2nd to last batch of USRTK’s Baric records. I wrote 3 articles over the next 6-8 weeks about that 2/3 meeting, but I still hadn’t heard anyone else talking about Fauci’s role in the censorship/narrative conspiracy. Finally, I emailed Gary Ruskin at US RTK directly on 4/12 [reproduced here because it’s accurate enough for government work]:
Mutually Assured Corruption
In short, Fauci worked with the presidential science advisor, Kelvin Droegemeier, to keep information regarding these compromising connections from becoming known - including from President Trump and his national security team. Instead, Fauci demonized efforts to question all of it, including DRASTIC’s work that sought to uncover what was happening in Wuhan.
I must admit that I’m proud of how accurate my analysis turned out to be; when the Fauci emails came out on 5/31/21, they merely corroborated the fact that Fauci had been moving most of the pieces on the chess board. By then I’d already published my first analysis of the data/trends underlying the scientific censorship that began on 1/31/20 [the sequel for that research is found with part II & III of this ‘Watchmaker’ series]. As we’ll see, however, the scientists who lied about SARS-CoV-2’s intelligent design knew far more about the virus in the early stages of the pandemic than they ever explained to us.
You can't get much sicker than blaming innocent people for the problems you may have created AND worked extensively to prevent public awareness of the incriminating links. But that's where we are today - the spontaneous combustion you hear is “The Sound of Science.”
~C. H. Rixey
Thanks for your incredible research efforts. As a side note the USRTK email troves are part of the original Organic Consumers effort to document the risks of biotech, the front groups and study frauds that underpin this Rockefeller/Gates schemes to privatize the food supply using chemically intensive gmo commodity crops.
Organic Consumers are a cornerstone of the "Disinformation Dozen" with a great archive for toxic policy and scientific fraud worth incorporating in the COVID investigations with support from folks who want to support true sustainable policy and toxin free food. :~)
The USRTK emails are the best. I did not know that GoF ban was lifted on 1/9. I knew it was 2017, but assumed it was Trump. That is very interesting. Obama rushed lifting of ban on his way out the door. Research so dangerous it could not be done in USA- which is highly regulated and supposedly has the scientific leaders of the world (CDC/Fauci). Obama’s original 2014 GoF ban outsourced US $ and science to China for GoF research. Wuhan lab completed building in October 2014. Probably a coincidence 😂 It’s ok to allow dangerous research in China, but not USA? Is this racism? As soon as the threat of an “Anti China” president was real, and there was potential loss of control over Chinese labs, Obama brought back the same research he banned. Did GoF suddenly become safe? So safe that Fauci denied even doing it.
It’s like the Flint, MI water crisis. Safe enough for Obama to PRETEND he drank the lead contaminated water. That’s the minute he lost my support. It’s all theater. Reassurance from the leaders that GoF is safe. Congress may never prosecute Fauci, but when the world figures out what he funded and hid, with Baric and Daszak, even google censorship will not be able to hide it. USRTK gives me hope!