The Sound of Science
I made a special tribute for the Wizard of Flaws. Forgive me, Simon & Garfunkel
When you spend 12 hours a day, for 20 months, researching the origin and impact of COVID-19, strange things can happen. The thing my wife complains most often about is the fact that I don’t talk about anything but COVID. In my defense, most of the non-COVID things going in the world today are depressing or infuriating, so I don’t feel like I’ve missed all that much.
Inevitably, someone as sarcastic as I am is bound to be inspired to turn that sarcasm towards the subject that devours most of my time; the sheer volume of arrogance and evil that surround the politics of the pandemic ensure that I can literally never run out of inspiration. Some readers may be surprised by the frequent sprinkling of ridicule throughout my blog, especially when compared to the slightly more formal research that I publish on ResearchGate. My Marine Corps career taught me that calling a spade a spade is important when something is stupid and wrong. Furthermore, the targets of my constructive criticism deserve much more than scorn for the various roles they’ve played in this global dumpster fire, and the public needs to understand that such individuals should NOT be taken seriously.
I’ll jump on the grenade to provide frequent reminders. You’re welcome]
For reference, here’s the original album version; for the adventurous, here’s the karaoke version. This was written to fit within the syllabic & rhyming patterns of the original recording, so if you’ve never heard Simon & Garfunkel’s version, I’d recommend listening to it beforehand. Also, If any reader knows how to put lyrics onto a video, send me a message at, because I’d love to be able to make ‘gifts’ like this more accessible for humanity [I read everything that’s sent, so if you’ve got any questions on any aspect of COVID, feel free to reach out.]
If [when?] this project explodes to the point where I can no longer keep that promise, then …. I probably won’t be complaining very much. Help me get there [subscribe below*].
clap clap clap clap clap clap... well done. Much appreciated. S+G were wonderful. Ridicule , scorn and imprisonment is what these people deserve
Excellent! Someone definitely needs to record this!