Vintage Livestream: Picking out early escape signals from CDC data, 9/4/2021

A really good discussion/my analysis of outliers hidden in US COVID data

I wanted to share this video for a few reasons:

  1. To test out the new video feature here on Substack

  2. To highlight some conclusions from the data that hinted at the existence of vaccine escape, part of my primary argument in the 10/6 article, “PREEMPTive Spike.” Sadly, I never had a chance to put together a quality pre-print on this topic, because of travel for a funeral, the start of working on the Glenn Beck special [that aired 11/17], and coordinating/writing for DRASTIC’s analysis of the DEFUSE documents that we leaked [9/20 & 9/21].

  3. To introduce a number of fellow dissidents including

    1. Dr. Jonathan Couey [the member of DRASTIC who hosts a livestream called GigaOhm Biological, covering the immunology of COVID-19 & mRNA vaccines]

    2. Dr. Kevin McCairn, who hosts a livestream known as “McCairn’s Dojo,” analyzing the clinical impact of COVID-19 on the body [especially the neurological and cardiovascular effects] from his home in Japan. His biggest concern is the unknown future impacts of protein misfolding on the brain, related to the spike protein of the virus.

    3. Jesse Matchey, a veteran/MBA entrepreneur currently raising awareness about issues of globalism related to the World Economic Forum, stakeholder capitalism & ESG scoring, etc.

I’ve appeared a few times on both livestreams, typically to discuss current events in the origin investigation, but this segment was a rare example of the type of data analysis I was doing during the 1st year of the pandemic.


For those who haven’t yet watched/listened to the livestream from last night, I highly recommend that you take the time do so. The primary reason is that the topics covered in the discussion center on the critical journal article that I told you was supposed to be published a month ago, and the delay of the paper put me in a bind since several pending Substack articles tie into its findings.

The combination of that delay & a sudden flood of new information is what made the last few weeks very sparse in terms of output here on Prometheus Shrugged, which is why there’s about to be a burst of articles in quick succession.

Last night’s [2/23] stream/podcast is the most consequential individual appearance or article I’ve put together so far, which is probably why Bret Weinstein was watching/in the chat room the entire time.

Which is saying a lot, because my special for Glenn Beck has been viewed/listened to more than 2 million times [across platforms]:

The production quality may not be as refined, but my stream with JC lays out the broad context & likely implications of the suspicious sequence described in a brand-new peer-reviewed paper.

Why is the livestream important?

Because you’ll hear things in it that have NEVER been said before

~C.H. Rixey

Note: **The Prometheus Hub page/post** compiled research and resources [1,500+] I’ve used/found/analyzed/watched/etc. during [and prior to] my efforts with DRASTIC, so that those who are looking for more about COVID’s origins can find it in one place.
I don’t plan on ever charging a subscription fee for any of the content on my site; everything I keep here is the result of 18 months of research conducted because it needed to be done and very few were doing it. However, this has literally been my full-time job since March 2020, so any ‘subscription’ as a donation will help me continue this work uninterrupted by the real world. Or, if you’re still in the recovery phase of the financial pandemic, spreading the word could be just as helpful to the cause; after all, everyone has suffered from the lack of honest & unbiased information from our leaders that would’ve helped us be clear-eyed about what we were going to face. I have no greater responsibility with this site than to keep it accessible to anyone who deserves the truth - which, of course, is all of us.

Alternatively, if you despise the shackles of Substack’s limited subscription options, you can donate any amount you want via Paypal @SARSCoVRix

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Prometheus Shrugged
Prometheus Shrugged
Charles Rixey, MA, MBA (c)