I shall be telling this with a sigh, somewhere ages and ages hence,
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
~Robert Frost
I’ve been busy
On August 4th, we closed on the sale of our house, which had been our home for the last four years in the northern suburbs of the Dallas-Fort Worth ‘metroplex.’
I had to sell it (before its foreclosure date), but thanks to the hyper-inflated housing market, we were able to make a solid profit. That's good, but even if it had been foreclosed on, it wouldn't have changed what I was going to do. No matter what I was going to keep researching the origin of the pandemic, and that decision was made 18 months ago.

I realize that some people will read that and question my sanity, but I'm not insane. My decision was one of priorities - our world is currently a raging dumpster fire, and the best thing I can do to protect my family is figure out who sparked the inferno.

A logical follow up question would be “Okay, but why does it have to be You that investigates COVID'S origins?” After all, I'm not a scientist, an FBI agent or even a WMD Marine (my former career).
The answer, as was made clear to me by congressional investigators last year, is that there is nobody else doing what DRASTIC is doing; they learned of Fauci's ties to censorship from me, before his emails had been released.
I didn’t take it as a compliment - I took it as a horrifying sign that significant portions of our government have no interest in discovering the truth of the origin of this virus. In fact, the opposite is true - the entire intelligence community withheld their awareness of the existence of the DEFUSE proposal - even though it explicitly described the intent of EcoHealth Alliance, Ralph Baric of UNC & the Wuhan Institute of Virology to conduct the exact genetic manipulations and passaging experiments necessary to produce the exact features found within the SARS-CoV-2 genome.
What the I.C. authors of the “Biden Report” didn’t know when they presented their intelligence summary on the origin of the pandemic virus to President Biden on 8/25/2021 was that I already knew about the DEFUSE proposal, and I was waiting to see if they’d actually be honest in their report. They lied, of course, and as Project Veritas later reported, a copy of the DEFUSE documents had been found on the Top Secret JWICS server - during the 90 period in which the “Biden Report” was being generated.
That’s the reality of what we’ve endured during this pandemic - the continuous betrayal of the institutions that we were told to trust. What’s worse is that all of those institutions exist because our taxes pay for them; in the case of the intelligence agencies, the total is more than $91 billion.
The NIH budget is $40 billion…

I’m fully aware that the notion of having to sacrifice years of my life to do something that we pay 107K intel employees and 18K NIH employees to do is, in any functioning reality, absurd. I’m also fully aware that that is the reality we are faced with.

The first half of the stream is also available on Rumble, and the whole thing is available in better resolution on Vimeo. However, if you only have time for a portion of it, then part 2 is more important.
Why? Because as hard as I’ve worked to discover evidence and build a picture of the crimes against humanity that we’ve endured during the pandemic [a rough list of my personal discoveries/projects/analyses in support of DRASTIC’s origin investigation is pictured below], I know that the fight is far from over.
As I sit here writing in the last few minutes of September 11th, 2022, it’s impossible not to reflect upon the last 21 years, and how things have changed since that Tuesday morning. As a 17 year-old college student, I remember sitting in front of a TV in the student lounge for several hours; roughly an hour into my vigil, the first of the Twin Towers collapsed, and I knew in that moment that my life would never be the same.
The pandemic has been different, however - you’d have to repeat the attacks on September 11th, 2001 every day for a year to match the scale of the pandemic. The kicker is that all-cause mortality is still rising, and our leaders in power are openly pressing to stay on the same course.
This is why I’m now back in Virginia, staying with my in-laws - because someone’s gotta do it.
The past two years have been so destructive on so many levels. I no longer feel a sense of pride in my country or have any faith in my countrymen (England), but you, you are a shining light of hope. Thank you.
"Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." Not many signed then; not many now. Thank you.