Podcast - 3 Days that Will Live in Infamy: The latest Fauci FOIA evidence, in full context
Fauci's decisions in early 2020 cost America more than Roosevelt's decision to enter World War II
~America’s chickens are coming home to roost~

Many readers may be wondering if this article’s subtitle is hyperbolic - simply meant to attract attention; after all, 407,000 American troops were killed across our 4-year contribution to the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind.
It’s not an exaggeration - in fact, it’s probably an understatement.
The central hypothesis I’ve been working on for most of 2022 is laid out in The Myth of the Blind Watchmaker [Research Gate pre-print article] and expanded upon/updated in Gaslight of the Gods, part VII: The Allegory of the Plague.
In short, I’ve compiled and connected evidence that explains why Dr. Fauci exerted so much effort in censorship from the very start of the pandemic, what it was that he worked so hard to suppress, and how horrific the collateral damage has been - and continues to be.
On Tuesday, a new batch of FOIA emails was released, which contains nothing but further evidence in support of my standing conclusions. Once again overlooked are the arrows pointing towards the importance of the Pradhan et al paper [the infamous 'Indian pre-print'], which was released on BioRxiv on 1/31/2020 - the day before Anthony Fauci & Jeremy Farrar’s famous 2/1 teleconference/cabal in which a dozen leading scientists expressed concerns about the potential lab-origin of SARS-CoV-2 [and thus the potential lab-origin of what became the COVID-19 pandemic].
Instead of just covering a few new tidbits of information - and partly because I want to show my readers the latest findings first - I decided to place the newest FOIA nuggets within their proper “Watchmaker” context and provide a more structured, hard-hitting overview via Dr. McCairn’s stream/podcast.
The best places to start and stop would be 41:56 to ~3:09:00, and I’d recommend listening to it at 1.25 speed. There’s a lot to process, but it’s hard to imagine anyone coming away from this big-picture summary of the current, actual evidence with the feeling that the World War II comparison isn’t justified.
Here's a link to the video on Rumble, since YouTube deleted it.....
Semper Fidelis,
You really tie it together here. Your interview with Dr. McCairn would be an excellent basis for a smart videographer to make a 20-30 minute mini-docu presentation. I'm not the guy to do it, with my poor equipment and video skills.
Editor note: in 'Blind Watchmaker' add "had" to ":if all of the information available to Dr. Fauci by February 1st 2020 (had) been publicly known"